Online English-Japanese kanji dictionary: radical

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category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: administration    nb of strokes: 10
translation: administer, manage, public servant, minister
宰る: tsukasadoru: administer, take charge of, be head of, rule, manage, direct, preside over <<< ,
宰: tsukasa: public servant (anc.), administration <<< , ,

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: fest    nb of strokes: 10
translation: feast, party, enjoy
宴: sakamori: feast, party, binge <<< 酒盛
宴: utage
宴のあと: utagenoato: After the Banquet (novel of Yukio Mishima, 1960)
宴しむ: tanoshimu: enjoy <<<
Kanji words: 宴会 , 祝宴 , 小宴
Expressions: 告別の宴 , 月見の宴 , 花見の宴 , 送別の宴 , 結婚披露宴

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 11
translation: lonely, lonesome, solitary, deserted, desolate, dreary, quiet, calm
seki, jaku
寂しい: sabishii, samishii: lonely, lonesome, solitary, deserted, desolate, dreary
寂しく: sabishiku: lonesomely, solitarily
寂しく成る: sabishikunaru: become sad, sadden <<<
寂しく暮らす: sabishikukurasu: lead a solitary life <<<
寂しさ: sabishisa: loneliness, desolation
寂しがる: sabishigaru: feel lonely, miss (a person)
寂か: shizuka: quiet, calm <<<
寂: sabi: tranquility (jp.)
寂れる: sabireru: decline (jp.)
寂れた: sabireta: desolate, deserted
Kanji words: 静寂
Expressions: 懐が寂しい

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: vast, relax
寛い: hiroi: vast, huge <<<
寛し: hiroshi
寛ぐ: kutsurogu: relax, be at ease, make oneself at home
寛いで: kutsuroide: at ease, tranquilly, comfortably
寛ぎ: kutsurogi: ease (n.), rest, tranquility, comfort
寛げる: kutsurogeru: ease (v.), release, loosen, comfortable
寛やか: yuruyaka: lenient, loose, gentle (slope) <<<
Kanji words: 寛大 , 寛容

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: sleep, rest
寝る: neru: sleep, go to sleep, fall asleep, take a nap
寝かす: nekasu: put (a person) to sleep [bed], send (a person) to sleep, lull(a baby) to sleep
寝られない: nerarenai: cannot get a sleep, lie [be kept] awake
寝ずに: nezuni: without sleeping
寝ずに居る: nezuniiru: stay [sit] up, be up late at night, remain awake <<<
寝て暮らす: netekurasu: idle [while] one's time away <<<
寝ても覚めても: netemosametemo: awake or sleep, night and day, all the time <<<
寝る子は育つ: nerukohasodatsu: sleep brings up a child well, a well-slept child is a well-kept child
寝た子を起こす: netakoookosu: Let sleeping dogs lie
寝たきりの: netakirino: bedridden
寝惚ける: nebokeru: be dazed with a sleep, be half sleep <<<
寝惚け眼で: nebokemanakode: half-sleeping [half-waking] eyes
寝惚け顔: nebokegao: sleepy face
寝そべる: nesoberu: lay sprawled
寝そびれる: nesobireru: fail to sleep, be sleepless
寝む: yasumu: go to bed, have a rest <<<
寝: mitamaya: altar <<< 祭壇
Kanji words: 寝巻 , 寝言 , 昼寝 , 就寝 , 寝相 , 寝入 , 寝坊 , 寝具 , 寝室 , 寝台 , 寝癖 , 寝業
Expressions: 未だ寝てる , 一緒に寝る , 寝小便 , 寝小便をする , 寝不足 , 寝不足で , 寝不足の為 , 地面に寝る
check also:

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: family    nb of strokes: 14
translation: few, little, alone, widow (ext.)
寡ない: sukunai: few, little <<<
寡: yamome: widow (few persons to trust)
寡: yamoo: widower

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 14
translation: quiet, calm, rather (bor.), why (not)
寧い: yasui: quiet, calm <<< ,
寧ろ: mushiro: rather
寧ぞ: nanzo: why (not) <<<
寧ぞ: izukunzo: all the more so <<<
Kanji words: 丁寧

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: realty    nb of strokes: 15
translation: public servant (anc.), administration
寮: ryou: dormitory (jp.), resort house
寮: tsukasa: public servant (anc.), administration <<< ,
Expressions: 母子寮 , 男子寮 , 社員寮

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 15
translation: guest, obey, follow, accompany
賓: maroudo: guest (anc.)
賓う: shitagau: obey, follow, accompany <<< , ,
Kanji words: 国賓 , 主賓

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: sport    nb of strokes: 15
translation: detailed, particular, minute, examine
審らかな: tsumabirakana: detailed, particular, minute
Kanji words: 再審 , 主審 , 不審 , 審議 , 審判 , 審理 , 審査

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