Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: keyword: health

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Direct access: 元気 , 厚生 , 菜食 , 視覚 , 食欲 , 心身 , 重篤 , 丈夫 , 睡魔 , 静養


pronunciation: genki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: health   
translation: vitality, vigor, energy, health
元気な: genkina: active, vigorous, fine, healthy, energetic, in a good shape, perky
元気の良い: genkinoii, genkinoyoi <<<
元気に: genkini: actively, vigorously, energetically
元気良く: genkiyoku
元気を出す: genkiodasu: brace [cheer] oneself up <<<
元気に成る: genkininaru: cheer up, recover, get better, pick up, come alive again <<<
元気を失う: genkioushinau: lose heart <<<
元気の無い: genkinonai: low-spirited, cheerless, depressed, despondent <<<
元気付ける: genkiZukeru: encourage, cheer up, invigorate <<<
元気付く: genkiZuku: recover one's spirits, take heart, be encouraged
元気者: genkimono: man of spirits <<<
元気阻喪: genkisosou: discouragement
元気快復: genkikaihuku: revival <<< 快復
元気回復: genkikaihuku <<< 回復
御元気ですか: ogenkidesuka: How are you (doing)? <<<
check also: 健康


pronunciation: kousei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: health , administration   
translation: public [social] welfare
厚生省: kouseishou: Ministry of Health and Welfare (until 2000 in Japan) <<<
厚生労働省: kouseiroudoushou: Ministry of Health Labor and Welfare (since 2011 in Japan)
厚生年金: kouseinenkin: welfare pension [annuity] <<< 年金
厚生事業: kouseijigyou: welfare work <<< 事業
check also: 福祉


pronunciation: saishoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: food , health   
translation: vegetarian [vegetable] diet, vegetarian dishes
菜食の: saishokuno: vegetarian (a.), veggie
菜食する: saishokusuru: live on vegetables
菜食主義: saishokushugi: vegetarianism <<< 主義
菜食主義者: saishokushugisha: vegetarian (n.), vegan <<<
check also: 草食


pronunciation: shikaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: health   
translation: vision, eyesight, sense of sight
視覚教育: shikakukyouiku: visual education <<< 教育
視覚芸術: shikakugeijutsu: visual arts <<< 芸術
視覚言語: shikakugengo: visual language <<< 言語
視覚障害者: shikakushougaisha: visually impaired person, visually handicapped <<<


pronunciation: shokuyoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: health   
translation: appetite
食欲が有る: shokuyokugaaru: have a good appetite <<<
食欲が無い: shokuyokuganai: have a poor appetite <<<
食欲をそそる: shokushokuososoru: stimulate [arouse, excite] one's appetite
食欲を削ぐ: shokuyokuosogu: spoil one's appetite <<<
食欲が出る: shokuyokugaderu: One's appetite improves <<<
食欲が増進する: shokushokugazoushinsuru <<< 増進
食欲減退: shokuyokugentai: loss [lack] of appetite, anorexia
食欲不振: shokuyokuhushin <<< 不振


pronunciation: shinshin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: health   
translation: body and soul, mind and body
心身共に: shinshintomoni: (be healthy) in body and mind <<<
心身を打ち込む: shinshinnouchikomu: devote oneself body and soul
心身症: shinshinshou: psychosomatic disease <<<
心身医学: shinshinnigaku: psychosomatic medicine <<< 医学
心身障害者: shinshinshougaisha: mentally and physically handicapped person


pronunciation: juutoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: health   
translation: critical [serious] condition
重篤な: juutokuna: critical [serious] (condition)


pronunciation: joubu, jouhu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: health   
translation: soundness, strength, solidity, adult [strong] man (anc.)
丈夫な: joubuna: sound, healthy, in good health, solid, firm, durable, strong
丈夫に成る: joubuninaru: become healthy, grow strong <<<
女丈夫: onnnajoubu: strong woman, iron lady <<<
大丈夫: daijoubu: safe, secure, all right <<<
synonyms: 達者


pronunciation: suima   kanji characters: ,    keyword: health   
translation: sleepiness, drowsiness, sandman
睡魔に襲われる: suimaniosowareru: become [feel] sleepy <<<


pronunciation: seiyou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: health   
translation: layoff, change of air, convalescence
静養する: seiyousuru: take a necessary [good] rest, rest quietly, lay off
静養の為に: seiyounotameni: for one's health [a rest, a change of air] <<<
synonyms: 養生

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