Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: keyword: art

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Direct access: 画像 , 画廊 , 巨匠 , 器用 , 空間 , 傑作 , 建築 , 芸術 , 現像 , 工芸


pronunciation: gazou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: art , computer   
translation: portrait, picture, image, imagery
画像処理: gazoushori: image processing <<< 処理
盗撮画像: tousatsugazou: secret [covert] picture [photography] <<< 盗撮
check also: 映像


pronunciation: garou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: art   
translation: art [picture] gallery
画廊主: garounushi: gallery owner <<<
check also: ギャラリー


pronunciation: kyoshou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: art   
translation: great master, virtuoso
synonyms: マエストロ


pronunciation: kiyou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: art   
translation: ingenuity, dexterity, skill
器用な: kiyouna: ingenious, dexterous, skillful
器用に: kiyouni: ingeniously, dexterously, skillfully
器用貧乏: kiyoubinbou: a Jack of all trades and a master of none <<< 貧乏
不器用: bukiyou: clumsiness, unskillfulness, bungle <<<
不器用な: bukiyouna: awkward, clumsy, unskillful
不器用に: bukiyouni: awkwardly, clumsily, unskillfully
指先が器用だ: yubisakigakiyouda: have clever [nimble] fingers, be deft with one's fingers <<< 指先
手先が器用な: tesakigakiyouna: dexterous, deft-handed <<< 手先
synonyms: 上手


pronunciation: kuukan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: art   
translation: space, room
空間の: kuukannno: spatial
空間的: kuukanteki <<<
空間を置く: kuukannooku: interspace, distance (v.), space out <<<
空間性: kuukansei: spatiality <<<
空間芸術: kuukangeijutsu: space art <<< 芸術
空間感覚: kuukankankaku: space feeling <<< 感覚
宇宙空間: uchuukuukan: outer space <<< 宇宙
ベクトル空間: bekutorukuukan: vector space <<< ベクトル
check also: スペース


pronunciation: kessaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: art   
translation: one's greatest [best] work, masterpiece
傑作集: kessakushuu: collection of masterpieces <<<
check also: 名作


pronunciation: kenchiku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: art , construction   
translation: architecture, building, construction
建築する: kenchikusuru: build, construct, erect
建築中: kenchikuchuu: under construction <<<
建築費: kenchikuhi: construction [building] costs <<<
建築物: kenchikubutsu: an edifice, building <<<
建築学: kenchikugaku: architecture <<<
建築家: kenchikuka: architect <<<
建築技師: kenchikugishi <<< 技師
建築士: kenchikushi: registered architect <<<
建築法: kenchikuhou: building regulations <<<
建築業: kenchikugyou: building industry <<<
建築業者: kenchikugyousha: builder, building contractor <<< 業者
建築会社: kenchikugaisha: building company <<< 会社
建築工事: kenchikukouji: construction work <<< 工事
建築様式: kenchikuyoushiki: style of building, architecture <<< 様式
耐震建築: taishinkenchiku: earthquake-proof building <<< 耐震
土木建築: dobokukenchiku: civil engineering and construction <<< 土木
鉄骨建築: tekkotsukenchiku: steel-frame building <<< 鉄骨
違法建築: ihoukenchiku: illegal [unlawful] construction <<< 違法
寺院建築: jiinkenchiku: religious architecture <<< 寺院
ブロック建築: burokkukenchiku: block building <<< ブロック
バロック建築: barokkukenchiku: baroque architecture <<< バロック
ゴシック建築: goshikkukenchiku: Gothic architecture <<< ゴシック
check also: 建物 , 建設


pronunciation: geijutsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: art   
translation: art
芸術家: geijutsuka: artist <<< , アーティスト
芸術的: geijutsuteki: artistic <<<
芸術際: geijutsusai: arts festival <<<
芸術院: geijutsuin: academy of arts, art college <<<
芸術界: geijutsukai: artistic circles <<<
芸術品: geijutsuhin: art work <<<
芸術作品: geijutsusakuhin <<< 作品
芸術写真: geijutsushashin: artistic photograph <<< 写真
非芸術: higeijutsu: inartistic <<<
空間芸術: kuukangeijutsu: space art <<< 空間
絵画芸術: kaigageijutsu: painting art <<< 絵画
抽象芸術: chuushougeijutsu: abstract art <<< 抽象
前衛芸術: zenneigeijutsu: avant-garde art <<< 前衛
農民芸術: noumingeijutsu: peasant art <<< 農民
総合芸術: sougougeijutsu: composite art <<< 総合
郷土芸術: kyoudogeijutsu: provincial art <<< 郷土
概念芸術: gainengeijutsu: conceptual art <<< 概念
民衆芸術: minshuugeijutsu: folk art <<< 民衆
大衆芸術: taishuugeijutsu: popular [folk] art <<< 大衆
映画芸術: eigageijutsu: movie art <<< 映画
視覚芸術: shikakugeijutsu: visual arts <<< 視覚
原始芸術: genshigeijutsu: primitive [prehistoric] art <<< 原始
synonyms: アート


pronunciation: genzou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: art   
translation: development
現像する: genzousuru: develop (a film)
現像液: genzoueki: developer <<<
現像紙: genzoushi: developing-out paper (DOP) <<<
現像機: genzouki: development apparatus <<<
現像不足: genzoubusoku: underdevelopment <<< 不足
現像過度: genzoukado: overdevelopment <<< 過度


pronunciation: kougei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: art , decoration   
translation: industrial art, crafts
工芸の: kougeino: technical, technological
工芸家: kougeika: craftsman <<<
工芸品: kougeihin: object of industrial art <<<
工芸美術: kougeibijutsu: applied fine arts <<< 美術
工芸学校: kougeigakkou: technological school <<< 学校

111 article(s) extracted from postgresql database through java servlet technology.

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