Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: words beginning with 'k'

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Direct access: 拡大 , 格段 , 各地 , 拡張 , 格付け , 確定 , 格闘 , 獲得 , 角度 , 確認


pronunciation: kakudai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: optics   
translation: enlargement, spreading, stretching, expansion
拡大する: kakudaisuru: enlarge, spread, stretch, expand
拡大鏡: kakudaikyou: magnifying glass <<<
拡大率: kakudairitsu: magnifying power <<<
拡大解釈: kakudaikaishaku: broad interpretation <<< 解釈
拡大政策: kakudaiseisaku: politics [policy] of expansion <<< 政策
拡大コピー: kakudaikopii: enlarged photocopy <<< コピー
拡大レンズ: kakudairenzu: enlarging lens <<< レンズ
瞳孔拡大: doukoukakudai: dilatation of the pupil <<< 瞳孔
check also: 縮小


pronunciation: kakudan   kanji characters: ,   
translation: particularity
格段の: kakudannno: marked, particular, especial, substantial
格段に: kakudannni: particularly, especially, substantially
格段の相違: kakudannnosoui: huge [essential, major] difference [disparity] <<< 相違
格段の進歩: kakudannnoshinpo: definite advance, substantial progress <<< 進歩
check also: 格別 , 非常


pronunciation: kakuchi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: geography   
translation: every place, various places
各地で: kakuchide: everywhere


pronunciation: kakuchou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: computer , construction   
translation: extension, expansion, enlargement
拡張する: kakuchousuru: extend, expand, enlarge
拡張子: kakuchoushi: file extension <<<
拡張担保: kakuchoutanpo: extended coverage <<< 担保
拡張計画: kakuchiukeikaku: extension plan <<< 計画
拡張工事: kakuchoukouji: extension [expansion] work <<< 工事
拡張スロット: kakuchousurotto: expansion slot <<< スロット
拡張カード: kakuchoukaado: expansion card <<< カード
業務拡張: gyoumukakuchou: extension of business <<< 業務
check also: 拡充 , 拡大


pronunciation: kakuZuke   kanji characters: ,    keyword: market   
translation: grading, noting
格付けする: kakuZukesuru: grade, rating
格付け会社: kakuZukegaisha: rating agency <<< 会社
格付け機関: kakuZukekikan <<< 機関


pronunciation: kakutei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: law   
translation: decision, settlement, confirmation
確定する: kakuteisuru: make a definite decision, decide (upon), settle, fix, confirm, be decided (upon), be settled [fixed, confirmed]
確定的: kakuteiteki: definite, final, decided <<<
確定的に: kakuteitekini: definitely, finally, decidedly
確定案: kakuteian: final draft <<<
確定判決: kakuteihanketsu: irrevocable judgment <<< 判決
確定裁判: kakuteisaiban <<< 裁判
確定申告: kakuteishinkoku: final (income tax) return <<< 申告
確定申告をする: kakuteishinkokuosuru: turn in a final return (of one's income tax)
確定拠出年金: kakuteikyoshitsunenkin: defined contribution plan, Japanese 401k <<< 年金
利益確定: riekikakutei: profit taking <<< 利益


pronunciation: kakutou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: martial art   
translation: hand-to-hand fight, grapple (n.), scuffle
格闘する: kakutousuru: fight (hand to hand with), grapple (with)
格闘技: kakutougi: combat sport <<<


pronunciation: kakutoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sport   
translation: acquisition, acquirement, possession, capture (n.)
獲得する: kakutokusuru: acquire, get, gain, obtain, win, capture (v.), procure
獲得物: kakutokubutsu: acquisition, spoils, booty <<<
外貨を獲得する: gaikaokakutokusuru: obtain foreign currency <<< 外貨
外貨獲得: gaikakakutoku: acquisition of foreign currency <<< 外貨
賞品を獲得する: shouhinnokakutokusuru: win a prize <<< 賞品
メダルを獲得する: medaruokakutokusuru: win a medal <<< メダル
check also: 入手 , 取得


pronunciation: kakudo   kanji characters: ,    keyword: mathematics   
translation: angle
角度を測る: kakudoohakaru: take the angle <<<
角度計: kakudokei: goniometer <<<
角度測定: kakudosokutei: goniometry <<< 測定
急角度: kyuukakudo: sharp angle <<<


pronunciation: kakunin   kanji characters: ,   
translation: confirmation, identification
確認する: kakuninsuru: confirm, identify
未確認: mikakunin: unidentified <<<
再確認: saikakunin: reconfirmation <<<

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