Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: words beginning with 'k'

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Direct access: 公衆 , 講習 , 公証 , 交渉 , 好色 , 行進 , 交信 , 後進 , 更新 , 香辛料


pronunciation: koushuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics , travel   
translation: public (n.)
公衆の: koushuuno: public (a.)
公衆電話: koushuudenwa: public telephone, pay phone, call box <<< 電話
公衆便所: koushuubenjo: public lavatory, public convenience, comfort station <<< 便所
公衆浴場: koushuuyokujou: public bath <<< 浴場
公衆道徳: koushuudoutoku: public morality <<< 道徳
公衆衛生: koushuueisei: public health, hygiene <<< 衛生
check also: 公共


pronunciation: koushuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: education   
translation: (short) course, lesson
講習を受ける: koushuuoukeru: take a course <<<
講習生: koushuusei: trainee, student <<<
講習会: koushuukai: workshop, seminar <<<
講習所: koushuujo: training school <<<
夏期講習: kakikoushuu: summer lecture class [course] <<< 夏期
認定講習: ninteikoushuu: seminar [course of lecture] for qualifying <<< 認定
短期講習: tankikoushuu: short-term course <<< 短期
check also: 研修 , ゼミ


pronunciation: koushou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: law   
translation: authentication
公証する: koushousuru: attest, authenticate
公証料: koushouryou: notary fee <<<
公証人: koushounin: notary (public) <<<
公証人役場: koushouninnyakuba: notary office <<< 役場
公証役場: koushouyakuba
公証人の: koushouninnno: notarial <<<


pronunciation: koushou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics , business   
translation: negotiation, bargaining, treaty, overture, relation, relationship
交渉する: koushousuru: negotiate, bargain, treat
交渉を持つ: koushouomotsu: have [make] a relationship with a person, have [establish] relations <<<
交渉を断つ: koushouotatsu: break off [discontinue] relations <<<
交渉中: koushouchuu: under negotiation <<<
交渉委員: koushouiin: (a member of) negotiation committee <<< 委員
交渉団体: koushoudantai: negotiating body <<< 団体
性交渉: seikoushou: sexual relation <<<
個別交渉: kobetsukoushou: separate negotiation <<< 個別
和平交渉: waheikoushou: peace negotiations <<< 和平
予備交渉: yobikoushou: preliminary negotiations <<< 予備
直接交渉: chokusetsukoushou: direct negotiation <<< 直接
団体交渉: dantaikoushou: collective bargaining <<< 団体
check also: 協議 , 関係


pronunciation: koushoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sex   
translation: lust, sensuality, lewdness
好色な: koushokuna: lustful, sensual, lascivious, lewd
好色男: koushokuotoko: lewd [licentious] man, sensualist <<<
好色漢: koushokukan <<<
好色文学: koushokubungaku: erotic [pornographic] literature <<< 文学


pronunciation: koushin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: war , music   
translation: march (n.), parade (n.), procession
行進する: koushinsuru: march (v.), parade (v.)
行進曲: koushinkyoku: march (music) <<<
行進中: koushinchuu: on the march <<<
行進方向: koushinhoukou: direction of march, route <<< 方向
行進目標: koushinmokuhyou: destination of march <<< 目標
凱旋行進: gaisenkoushin: triumphal march <<< 凱旋
正面行進: shoumenkoushin: frontal advance <<< 正面
デモ行進: demokoushin: march of demonstrators, demonstration parade <<< デモ
check also: 進行 , 行列 , パレード


pronunciation: koushin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: communication   
translation: communication
交信する: koushinsuru: communicate
交信を断つ: koushinnotatsu: cut communications <<<


pronunciation: koushin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: geography   
translation: backward, underdeveloped, behind one's time, sterway, backward motion, younger man [generation]
後進する: koushinsuru: go [back] astern
後進国: koushinkoku: underdeveloped nation <<<
後進性: koushinsei: backwardness <<<
check also: 先進


pronunciation: koushin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: computer   
translation: renewal, renovation, update (n.)
更新する: koushinsuru: renew, renovate, update (v.)
更新日: koushinbi: update day <<<
レコードを更新する: rekoodookoushinsuru: improve the record <<< レコード
check also: アップデート


pronunciation: koushinryou   kanji characters: , ,    keyword: condiment   
translation: spice
狼と香辛料: ookamitokoushinryou: Spice and Wolf (a Japanese novel and anime-manga of Hasekura Isuna, 2005) <<<
synonyms: スパイス , 薬味

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