Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: words beginning with 'k'

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Direct access: 警戒 , 軽快 , 計画 , 警官 , 計器 , 刑期 , 景気 , 景況 , 敬具 , 経験


pronunciation: keikai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: security , disaster   
translation: watch (n.), lookout, vigilance, warning, admonition, caution, precaution
警戒する: keikaisuru: watch [look out] for, guard (v.)
警戒色: keikaishoku: warning color <<<
警戒線: keikaisen: cordon, chain of guards <<<
警戒管制: keikaikansei: alert, dim-out
警戒警報: keikaikeihou: air defense alarm <<< 警報
警戒信号: keikaishingou: caution [warning] signal <<< 信号
警戒水位: keikaisuii: flood level <<< 水位
check also: 警告 , 警報 , 用心


pronunciation: keikai   kanji characters: ,   
translation: lightness, cheerfulness
軽快な: keikaina: light, light-hearted, cheerful, joyful, buoyant, nimble
軽快に: keikaini: lightly, cheerfully, joyfully, nimbly, with a light heart
軽快な動作: keikainadousa: swift movement <<< 動作
check also: 快適


pronunciation: keikaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: calendar , industry   
translation: plan (n.), project (n.), scheme, program
計画する: keikakusuru: plan (v.), project (v.), intend, contemplate
計画を立てる: keikakuotateru: make [form, lay] a plan, map out a program <<<
計画案: keikakuan: schedule, blueprint <<<
計画的: keikakuteki: intentional, premeditated, deliberate, systematic <<<
計画的に: keikakutekini: intentionally, deliberately, on purpose
計画者: keikakusha: planner, projector <<<
計画中: keikakuchuu: intended, under contemplation <<<
計画を実行する: keikakuojikkousuru: carry out a plan <<< 実行
計画経済: keikakukeizai: planned economy <<< 経済
計画生産: keikakuseisan: planned production <<< 生産
計画停電: keikakuteiden: planned blackouts <<< 停電
経済計画: keizaikeikaku: economic plan <<< 経済
拡張計画: kakuchiukeikaku: extension plan <<< 拡張
家族計画: kazokukeikaku: family planning <<< 家族
基本計画: kihonkeikaku: master plan <<< 基本
攻撃計画: kougekikeikaku: offensive plan <<< 攻撃
巨大計画: kyodaikeikaku: megaproject, gigantic project <<< 巨大
国防計画: kokuboukeikaku: national defense program <<< 国防
作戦計画: sakusenkeikaku: plan of operations <<< 作戦
総合計画: sougoukeikaku: comprehensive program <<< 総合
都市計画: toshikeikaku: urbanism, city planning <<< 都市
長期計画: choukikeikaku: long-range plan <<< 長期
造船計画: zousenkeikaku: shipbuilding program <<< 造船
投資計画: toushikeikaku: investment plan <<< 投資
フィラデルフィア計画: firaderufiakeikaku: The Philadelphia Experiment (US movie, 1984) <<< フィラデルフィア
check also: 企画 , 予定 , スケジュール , プラン


pronunciation: keikan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: security   
translation: policeman, police officer
警官隊: keikantai: police force <<<
騎馬警官: kibakeikan: mounted policeman, mounted police <<< 騎馬
武装警官: busoukeikan: armed policeman <<< 武装
婦人警官: hujinkeikan: police-woman <<< 婦人
check also: 巡査 , 警察


pronunciation: keiki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: technology , transport   
translation: Instrument, gauge
計器に頼って: keikinitayotte: on instrument, blind <<<
計器盤: keikiban: dashboard, panel <<<
計器飛行: keikihikou: instrument flight <<< 飛行
計器着陸: keikichakuriku: blind landing <<< 着陸


pronunciation: keiki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: justice   
translation: prison term
刑期を勤める: keikiotsutomeru: serve one's term of imprisonment <<<
刑期を終える: keikiooeru: serve out one's sentence <<<
刑期が満ちる: keikigamichiru: His sentence [prison term] has expired <<<
刑期が満了する: keikigamanryousuru
check also: 刑務所


pronunciation: keiki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: economy , politics   
translation: business conditions, market, economic activities
景気が良い: keikigaii: business is brisk, boom <<<
景気が悪い: keikigawarui: business is dull <<<
景気予測: keikiyosoku: business forecasting <<< 予測
景気指数: keikishisuu: business index <<< 指数
景気循環: keikijunkan: business cycle <<< 循環
景気変動: keikihendou: business fluctuations <<< 変動
景気後退: keikikoutai: business recession <<< 後退
景気上昇: keikijoushou: business upturn <<< 上昇
景気対策: keikitaisaku: economic policy [measure] <<< 対策
不景気: hukeiki: bad times, dullness <<<
国内景気: kokunaikeiki: domestic economic activity <<< 国内
特需景気: tokujukeiki: special procurement boom <<< 特需


pronunciation: keikyou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: economy   
translation: state of things [affairs]
check also: 景気


pronunciation: keigu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: greeting   
translation: best [affectionate, kind, warm] regards (expression ending a letter), sincerely yours
check also: 真心


pronunciation: keiken   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life , job   
translation: experience (n.)
経験する: keikensuru: experience (v.), have experience of, meet with, go through, undergo
経験上の: keikenjouno: empirical <<<
経験の有る: keikennnoaru: have experience, be experienced in <<<
経験の無い: keikennnonai: inexperienced, green <<<
未経験の: mikeikennno <<<
経験者: keikensha: man of experience, veteran <<<
未経験者: mikeikensha: inexperienced person, green hand <<<
経験談: keikendan: story of one's experience <<<
経験論: keikenron: empiricism <<<
経験則: keikensoku: rule of thumb <<<
長年の経験: naganennnokeiken: long experience <<< 長年
check also: 体験

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