Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: radical

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Direct access: 普通 , 二日 , 不束 , 不敵 , 筆箱 , 不当 , 太股 , 布団 , 不動 , 不動産


pronunciation: hutsuu   kanji characters: ,   
translation: ordinariness
普通の: hutsuuno: ordinary, common, usual, general
普通に: hutsuuni: ordinarily, commonly, usually, generally
普通の人: hutsuunohito: man on the street, average man <<<
普通以上: hutsuuijou: above the average <<< 以上
普通以下: hutsuuika: below the average <<< 以下
普通名詞: hutsuumeishi: common noun <<< 名詞
普通選挙: hutsuusenkyo: general election <<< 選挙
普通教育: hutsuukyouiku: common [popular] education <<< 教育
普通列車: hutsuuressha: slow [accommodation] train <<< 列車
普通急行: hutsuukyuukou: ordinary express <<< 急行
普通郵便: hutsuuyuubin: ordinary mail [post] <<< 郵便
普通貯金: hutsuuchokin: current [check] account <<< 貯金
普通口座: hutsuukouza <<< 口座
check also: 平均 , 平凡 , 通常


pronunciation: hutsuka   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 2日   keyword: calendar   
translation: two days, the second day
二日毎に: hutsukagotoni: every two days [other day] <<<
二日置きに: hutsukaokini: every third day [three days] <<<
二日目に: hutsukameni: on the second day <<< , 翌日
二日酔い: hutsukayoi: hangover <<<
二日酔いをする: hutsukayoiosuru: have [suffer from] a hangover
正味二日: shoumihutsuka: two full [clear] days <<< 正味


pronunciation: hutsutsuka   kanji characters: ,   
translation: incompetence
不束な: hutsutsukana: incompetent, incapable
不束ながら: hutsutsukanagara: incompetent as I am


pronunciation: huteki   kanji characters: ,   
translation: fearlessness, audaciousness, audacity
不敵な: hutekina: fearless, daring, dauntless, audacious
不敵な面構え: hutekinatsuragamae: defiant look
不敵な面魂: hutekinatsuradamashii
check also: 無敵


pronunciation: hudebako   kanji characters: ,    keyword: school   
translation: pencil [pen, brush] case


pronunciation: hutou   kanji characters: ,   
translation: injustice
不当な: hutouna: unjust, unfair, unreasonable, unjustifiable, undue, unwarranted
不当な要求: hutounayoukyuu: excessive demand <<< 要求
不当な値段: hutounanedan: unreasonable price <<< 値段
不当な処置: hutounashochi: unfair dealing <<< 処置
不当に: hutouni: unjustly, unfairly, unreasonably
不当解雇: hutoukaiko: unfair dismissal <<< 解雇
不当表示: hutouhyouji: misrepresentation <<< 表示
不当利得: hutouritoku: undue profit, profiteering <<< 暴利
不当利益: hutourieki <<< 利益


pronunciation: hutomomo   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 太腿   keyword: body   
translation: thigh


pronunciation: huton   kanji characters: ,    keyword: furniture   
translation: bedding, bedclothes, mattress, quilt, counterpane, cushion
布団を敷く: hutonnoshiku: make [lay] a bed <<<
布団を畳む: hutonnotatamu: fold up the bedding <<<
布団を上げる: hutonnoageru: put away the bedding <<<
布団を仕舞う: hutonnoshimau <<< 仕舞
布団を干す: hutonnohosu: dry the bedding <<<
布団を掛ける: hutonnokakeru: blanket (v.), cover with <<<
掛布団: kakebuton: quilt, coverlet, blanket (n.) <<< 毛布
敷布団: shikibuton: mattress <<< , マット
座布団: zabuton: cushion <<< , クッション
羽布団: hanebuton: feather quilt <<<
肉布団: nikubuton: concubine <<<
煎餅布団: senbeibuton: hard thin mattress [quilt] <<< 煎餅
羽毛布団: umouhuton: duvet; comforter <<< 羽毛


pronunciation: hudou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: mechanics   
translation: immovableness, motionlessness
不動の: hudouno: immovable, motionless, steadfast
不動の姿勢: hudounoshisei: position at attention <<< 姿勢
不動の姿勢を取る: hudounoshiseiotoru: stand at attention <<<
不動明王: hudoumyouou: Acala, god of fire
成田不動: naritahudou: Narita [Naritasan] Temple <<< 成田


pronunciation: hudousan   kanji characters: , ,    keyword: realty   
translation: immovable property, real estate, realty
不動産の: hudousannno: property (a.)
不動産業: hudousangyou: real estate agency <<<
不動産税: hudousanzei: real estate tax <<<
不動産屋: hudousannya: real estate agent, realtor <<<
不動産業者: hudousangyousha <<< 業者
不動産所得: hudousanshotoku: income from immovables <<< 所得
不動産担保証券: hudousantanposhouken: MBS, mortgage-backed securities <<< 証券
不動産投信: hudousantoushin: reit, real estate investment trust <<< 投信 , リート
不動産投資信託: hudousantoushishintaku <<< 信託

176 article(s) extracted from postgresql database through java servlet technology.

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