Online English-Japanese kanji dictionary: keyword: sport

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: sport , war    nb of strokes: 11
translation: lose, beaten, defeat
hai, bai
敗れる: yabureru: lose, be defeated, be beaten
敗ける: makeru: be defeated [beaten, outdone], lose (a game), get the worst of it, be inferior (to) <<<
敗びる: horobiru: perish, die <<< ,
Kanji words: 腐敗 , 敗戦 , 敗残 , 敗北 , 完敗 , 惨敗 , 敗血症 , 失敗 , 連敗
Expressions: ゼロ敗する

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: sport , mechanics    nb of strokes: 11
translation: strong, robust, solid
kyou, gou
強い: tsuyoi: strong, powerful, mighty, robust, vigorous, solid
強い酒: tsuyoisake: strong [hard] drink <<<
強い風: tsuyoikaze: strong [violent] wind <<<
強い光: tsuyoihikari: strong light <<<
強く: tsuyoku: strongly, powerfully, firmly, hard, severely, violently
強める: tsuyomeru: intensify (vt.)
強まる: tsuyomaru: become strong, intensify (vi.)
強く成る: tsuyokunaru <<<
強さ: tsuyosa: strength, power, intensity, vigor
強がり: tsuyogari: bluff (n.), show of courage
強がりを言う: tsuyogarioiu, tsuyogarioyuu: bluff (v.) <<<
強める: tsutomeru: strive, endeavor <<<
強いる: shiiru: compel, force
強いて: shiite: forcibly
強い: kowai: tough, stiff
強ち: anagachi: (not) necessarily, (not) always
強: kowa, tsutomu: pers.
Kanji words: 増強 , 強硬 , 強大 , 強調 , 強姦 , 最強 , 強度 , 強欲 , 強豪 , 補強 , 強化 , 強迫 , 頑強 , 強情 , 勉強 , 強烈 , 強壮 , 強制 , 強健 , 強盗 , 強力 , 強要 , 強気 , 強行
Expressions: 我の強い , 力が強い , 酒が強い , 船に強い , 気の強い , 意を強くする , 腰の強い , 粘り強い , 根強い , 風の強い , 心強い , 自信が強い , 我慢強い , 我慢強く , 好奇心の強い , 無理強い , 刺激の強い , 強塩基 , 電流の強さ , 火力の強い , 性格が強い , 自惚れの強い , 個性の強い , 胃腸が強い , 忍耐強い , 忍耐強く , 強打者 , 視力が強い , 心臓が強い , 辛抱強い , 辛抱強く , 意志の強い

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: sport    nb of strokes: 12
translation: climb, ascend, uphill
tou, to
登る: noboru: go [walk] up, ascend, climb <<<
登り: nobori: ascent, rise <<<
Kanji words: 登場 , 登録 , 山登り , 登校 , 登山 , 登記 , 登竜門 , 登用
Expressions: 山に登る , 木に登る , 駆け登る , 王座に登る , 演壇に登る , 梯子に登る

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: sport , war    nb of strokes: 12
translation: win, victory, triumph
勝つ: katsu: win (v.), triumph
勝ち誇る: kachihokoru: be triumphant (over), be elated [overjoyed] with victory <<<
勝ち誇って: kachihokotte: triumphantly, in triumph <<<
勝ち得る: kachieru: win, gain, secure <<<
勝ち取る: kachitoru <<<
勝ち越す: kachikosu: have (x) wins against (a person), lead (a person) by (x scores) <<<
勝ち抜く: kachinuku: win straight victories <<<
勝ち残る: kachinokoru: win one's way to the finals <<<
勝って兜の緒を締めよ: kattekabutonoooshimeyo: do not let your guard down after a victory, tighten the strings of your helmet after winning
勝る: masaru: surpass, be superior, excel
勝るとも劣らない: masarutomootoranai: be not at all inferior to, can favorably compare with, be as good as <<<
勝える: taeru: bear, resist <<< ,
Kanji words: 優勝 , 急勝 , 決勝 , 完勝 , 名勝 , 勝ち組 , 勝負 , 勝利 , 勝手 , 連勝
Expressions: 打ち勝つ , 負けるが勝ち , 己に勝つ , 年には勝てない , 年には勝てぬ , 逃げるが勝ち , 賭けに勝つ , 曇り勝ちの , 紛れで勝つ , 有り勝ちな , 競技に勝つ , 議論に勝つ , 判定で勝つ , 判定勝 , 病気勝ちの , 遠慮勝ちな , 遠慮勝ちに , 誘惑に勝つ , 博打で勝つ , 気性の勝った , 訴訟に勝つ , 選挙に勝つ , 怪我勝ち , 勝負に勝つ , 裁判に勝つ , 戦争に勝つ , 競走に勝つ , 試合に勝つ , 競争に勝つ , ストレートで勝つ

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: war , sport    nb of strokes: 15
translation: foe, enemy, opponent, antagonist, adversary, rival, match
敵: teki: foe, enemy, opponent, antagonist, adversary, rival, match
敵にする: tekinisuru: make an enemy of sb.
敵に回す: tekinimawasu <<<
敵ではない: tekidehanai: be no match for (a person)
敵を破る: tekioyaburu: defeat the enemy <<<
敵: kataki: enemy, foe, rival
敵: ada: grudge, enmity <<<
Kanji words: 政敵 , 無敵 , 匹敵 , 不敵 , 宿敵 , 大敵 , 天敵 , 素敵
Expressions: 敵味方 , 敵味方に分かれる , 天下に敵なし , 民衆の敵 , 敵を撃破 , 敵を粉砕する , 仮想敵 , 商売敵
antonyms: 味方

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: sport , business    nb of strokes: 20
translation: compete, contest
kyou, kei
競う: kisou: vie (with), rival (a person in), compete [contend] with (a person for a thing)
競って: kisotte: over and over again, at every possible opportunity
競る: seru: compete [contend] with (a person for a thing), bid for (a thing)
競り: seri: auction <<< 競売 , オークション
競りに出す: serinidasu: put up (a thing) at [to] auction <<<
競りで売る: serideuru: sell (a thing) at [by] auction <<<
競り上げる: seriageru: bid up (the price) <<<
競り落とす: seriotosu: knock (a thing) down, make a successful bid (for a thing) <<<
競り合う: seriau: compete (with a person for a thing), bid against each other <<<
競り合い: seriai: competition, bid <<<
Kanji words: 競技 , 競馬 , 競歩 , 競売 , 競走 , 競争

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: business , sport    nb of strokes: 6
translation: pay, supply, purvey, deliver
kyuu, sou
扱く: koku: thresh rice
扱き下ろす: kokiorosu: denounce, criticize (severely), cry [write] down, blame (a person) to his face, lambast <<<
扱き使う: kokitsukau: drive [work] (a person) hard, sweat (workers) <<< 使
扱う: atsukau: treat (jp.), deal with, receive, entertain, manage, conduct, work, handle
扱い: atsukai: treatment, management, handling
扱い易い: atsukaiyasui: easy to deal, wieldy <<<
扱い難い: atsukainikui: hard to deal, unwieldy <<<
扱める: osameru: pay, supply, purvey, deliver <<< ,
扱く: shigoku: stroke one's beard, jerk in and out one's spear, haze
扱き: shigoki: undersash, waistband, hard [severe] training, hazing
Expressions: 他人扱いする , 丁寧に扱う , 専門に扱う , 子供扱いにする , 寛大に扱う , 乱暴に扱う , 特別扱いする

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: war , sport    nb of strokes: 7
translation: attack, assault, study (ext.), master
攻める: semeru: attack (v.), open an attack upon, assault
攻める: osameru: study, complete (the course of), master <<<
攻め合う: semeau: attack each other <<<
攻め入る: semeiru: invade, make inroads into [on, upon], raid <<<
攻め落とす: semeotosu: take by storm, capture, cause to surrender <<<
攻め立てる: semetateru: attack violently, harass (a person with questions) <<<
攻め倦む: semeagumu: be weary of making an attack (on)
Kanji words: 攻勢 , 攻防 , 特攻 , 攻略 , 専攻 , 攻撃
Expressions: 陣地を攻める

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: sport    nb of strokes: 8
translation: push, thrust, stab
突く: tsuku: push (vt.), thrust, stab
突く: tsutsuku: pick (at), peck (at), poke (at), incite, instigate, find fault with (a person, a thing)
突き: tsuki: push (n.), thrust, stab, pass
突き落とす: tsukiotosu: push [thrust] down <<<
突き刺す: tsukisasu: pierce (a thing with), impale, jab <<<
突き倒す: tsukitaosu: push [thrust] over, knock down <<<
突き詰める: tsukitsumeru: make a thorough investigation (of a matter) <<<
突き出る: tsukideru: stand [jut, stick, stretch] out, project, protrude <<<
突き飛ばす: tsukitobasu: push [thrust] (a person) away, send (a person) flying [staggering] <<<
突き止める: tsukitomeru: ascertain, make sure [certain] of, assure, trace (a matter), locate <<<
突き放す: tsukihanasu: throw off, push off, desert, forsake <<<
突っ込む: tsukkomu: thrust in, plunge into, pierce, penetrate, throw a question at (a person), hit (a person) home, dip, charge (into the enemy) <<<
突っ立つ: tsuttatsu: stand up, straight, jump to one's feet, be stuck (in, on) <<<
突っ走る: tsuppashiru: dash, run fast <<<
突っ撥ねる: tsuppaneru: turn (a person) down flat, give a flat refusal (to) <<<
突っ伏す: tsuppusu: fall over with one's face down <<<
突き破る: tsukiyaburu: break [burst] through, pierce, stave in <<<
Kanji words: 突破 , 激突 , 突如 , 突入 , 突風 , 突起 , 突貫 , 突然 , 突撃 , 衝突 , 煙突 , 玉突 , 追突 , 突進 , 突出
Expressions: 鞠を突く , 底を突く , 隙を突く , 槍で突く , 鐘を突く , 虚を突く , 杵で突く , 角で突く , 肘で突く , 肘を突く , 羽根突 , 羽根を突く , 急所を突く , 手鞠を突く , 弱点を突く , ステッキを突く

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: sport    nb of strokes: 9
translation: challenge, defy, hoist
挑げる: kakageru: hoist <<<
挑む: idomu: challenge (v.), defy, pick a quarrel (with)
Kanji words: 挑発 , 挑戦

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