Online English-Japanese pictorial dictionary: translation of 'ad'

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Direct access: 紀元 , 広告 , 宣伝 , 即興 , 求職 , 求人 , 即席 , 代理


pronunciation: kigen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: history , calendar   
translation: foundation of an empire, birth of Jesus Christ
紀元前: kigenzen: before Christ, BC <<<
紀元後: kigengo: after Christ, AD <<<
キリスト紀元: kirisutokigen: Christian era <<< キリスト
check also: 西暦


pronunciation: koukoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: media , advertisement   
translation: advertisement, ad, notice, announcement, publicity
広告する: koukokusuru: advertise, announce, publicize
広告を出す: koukokuodasu <<<
広告者: koukokusha: advertiser <<<
広告塔: koukokutou: poster column, ad pillar <<<
広告費: koukokuhi: outlay for advertisement <<<
広告料: koukokuryou: advertisement rate <<<
広告欄: koukokuran: advertisement column <<<
広告業: koukokugyou: advertising business <<<
広告業者: koukokugyousha: publicity [advertising] agent <<< 業者
広告代理店: koukokudairiten
広告放送: koukokuhousou: commercial broadcast <<< 放送
広告媒体: koukokubaitai: advertising material [medium] <<< 媒体
広告ビラ: koukokubira: bill, handbill, poster <<< ビラ
広告マン: koukokuman: adperson, crier
広告屋: koukokuya <<<
求職広告: kyuushokukoukoku: advertise for a situation, want ad <<< 求職
求人広告: kyuujinkoukoku: job advertisement, want ad <<< 求人
誇大広告: kodaikoukoku: exaggerated advertisement <<< 誇大
募集広告: boshuukoukoku: advertisements for recruiting <<< 募集
死亡広告: shiboukoukoku: announcement of death <<< 死亡
全面広告: zenmenkoukoku: full-page advertisement <<< 全面
新聞広告: shinpunkoukoku: newspaper advertisement <<< 新聞
スポット広告: supottokoukoku: spot commercial (on TV) <<< スポット
check also: 宣伝


pronunciation: senden   kanji characters: ,    keyword: advertisement   
translation: advertisement, publicity, promotion, campaign, propaganda, ads*****
宣伝する: sendensuru: advertise, publicize, propagate, give publicity (to), make propaganda (for, of), promote
宣伝の: sendennno: advertising, promotional, propagandistic
宣伝的: sendenteki <<<
宣伝に乗る: sendennninoru: swallow a propaganda <<<
宣伝費: sendenhi: advertising expense <<<
宣伝部: sendenbu: advertising [publicity] department <<<
宣伝係: sendengakari: propaganda agent, propagandist, press agent, publicist <<<
宣伝員: sendennin <<<
宣伝効果: sendenkouka: campaign effect <<< 効果
宣伝運動: sendennundou: propaganda campaign <<< 運動
宣伝カー: sendenkaa: sound car [truck] <<< カー
宣伝ビラ: sendenbira: handbill, propaganda bill <<< ビラ
街頭宣伝: gaitousenden: street propaganda <<< 街頭
自己宣伝: jikosenden: self-advertisement <<< 自己
check also: キャンペーン , 勧誘 , 広報


pronunciation: sokkyou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: literature   
translation: improvisation
即興の: sokkyouno: improvised, impromptu (a.), offhand, ad-lib
即興で: sokkyoude: impromptu (adv.), offhand, ad-lib
即興曲: sokkyoukyoku: impromptu music <<<
即興詩: sokkyoushi: impromptu poem <<<
即興詩人: sokkyoushijin: improvisator <<< 詩人


pronunciation: kyuushoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: job hunting
求職する: kyuushokusuru: look [seek] for a job
求職者: kyuushokusha: job hunter, applicant (for a position) <<<
求職広告: kyuushokukoukoku: advertise for a situation, want ad <<< 広告
求職広告欄: kyuushokukoukokuran: situation wanted column <<<
check also: 求人


pronunciation: kyuujin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: offer of a situation, help wanted
求人主: kyuujinnnushi: job advertiser <<<
求人広告: kyuujinkoukoku: job advertisement, want ad <<< 広告
求人応募者: kyuujinoubosha: applicant for a job [position], applicant for employment
check also: 求職


pronunciation: sokuseki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: food   
translation: improvisation
即席の: sokusekino: extempore, improvised, offhand (a.)
即席で: sokusekide: offhand (adv.), impromptu
即席で作る: sokusekidetsukuru: make (a thing) on the spot, improvise, ad-lib <<<
即席麺: sokusekimen: instant noodles <<<
即席料理: sokusekiryouri: pickup dish <<< 料理
即席演説: sokusekienzetsu: offhand speech <<< 演説
check also: インスタント


pronunciation: dairi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job , law   
translation: proxy, substitution, supply
代理する: dairisuru: represent, act for, substitute (v.), surrogate
代理の: dairino: deputy, supply, substitute (a.), surrogate
代理の先生: dairinosensei: substitute [supply] teacher <<< 先生
代理で: dairide: by proxy
代理店: dairiten: agency, outlet, dealer <<< , ディーラー
代理人: dairinin: agent, deputy, substitute (n.), alternate, surrogate <<<
代理権: dairiken: power of procuration <<<
代理投票: dairitouhyou: proxy vote <<< 投票
代理大使: dairitaishi: chargé d'affaires, ad interim <<< 大使
代理判事: dairihanji: deputy judge
代理出産: dairishussan: surrogacy <<< 出産
代表代理: daihyoudairi: alternate delegate <<< 代表

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