Online Japanese lexicon of foreign words: translation of 'ラッパを吹く'

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pronunciation: rappa   other spells: 喇叭   etymology: roeper (nl.)   keyword: musical instrument   
translation: trumpet, bugle
ラッパを吹く: rappaohuku: sound [blow] a trumpet [bugle], blow one's own trumpet <<<
ラッパ飲みをする: rappanomiosuru: drink from a bottle <<<
ラッパの響き: rappanohibiki: blast of a trumpet, bugle blast [call] <<<
ラッパ手: rappashu: trumpeter, bugler <<<
ラッパ管: rappakan: Fallopian tube, salpinx <<<
ラッパズボン: rappazubon: bell-bottomed trousers <<< ズボン
起床ラッパ: kishourappa: reveille <<< 起床
突撃ラッパ: totsugekirappa: sound of charge <<< 突撃
check also: トランペット

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