Online English-Japanese kanji dictionary: translation of '身に付ける'

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radicals  keywords

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: body    nb of strokes: 7
translation: body, person, oneself
shin, ken
身: mi: body, person, oneself, heart, soul
身ら: mizukara: personally, in person, oneself
身も心も: mimokokoromo: body and soul <<<
身に着ける: minitsukeru: carry (a thing) about [on] one, wear, don <<<
身に付ける: minitsukeru: wear, learn (an art), acquire (culture, skill in an art) <<<
身を任せる: miomakaseru: put oneself into a person's hands, give [submit] oneself to so., yield to (temptation) <<<
身を投じる: miotoujiru: go in for (a carrier), enter upon (a carrier), join <<<
身を処する: mioshosuru: conduct oneself <<<
身を滅ぼす: miohorobosu: ruin oneself <<<
身を売る: miouru: sell [sacrifice] oneself, prostitute oneself <<<
身を固める: miokatameru: settle down (to some business, to a married life) <<<
身を入れる: mioireru: put one's heart [back] into (a task) <<<
身に沁みる: minishimiru: touch [go to] one's heart, come home (to one), feel deeply <<<
身に余る: miniamaru: more than one deserved, undeserved [unmerited] (praise) <<<
身の程を知る: minohodooshiru: know one's own place [position], know what one is
身の毛が弥立つ: minokegayodatsu: One's hair stands on end, make a person's hair stand on end
身も蓋も無い: mimohutamonai: blunt; to the point; direct; outspoken; frank
身から出た錆: mikaradetasabi: own guilt, We only reap what we sow
Kanji words: 終身 , 出身 , 独身 , 身の上 , 身幅 , 化身 , 分身 , 細身 , 身元 , 身振り , 半身 , 変身 , 刺身 , 黄身 , 単身 , 擂身 , 身近 , 身動き , 身分 , 我身 , 肌身 , 全身 , 人身 , 心身 , 身体 , 身長 , 自身 , 身内 , 肩身 , 献身 , 受身 , 身代 , 生身
Expressions: 不死身 , 身支度 , 身支度する , 身勝手
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