Online English-Japanese kanji dictionary: translation of 'w[wa'

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: weather    nb of strokes: 8
translation: calm, peace, soft, gentle, harmony
wa, o
和: wa: Japan (jp.) <<< 日本
和らぐ: yawaragu: soften (vi.), relent
和らげる: yawarageru: soften (vt.), defuse
和む: nagomu: be softened
和み: nagomi: softening, easing, calming
和やか: nagoyaka: peaceful, mild, soft
和か: atataka: warm, kind, gentle <<<
和: nagi: calm in sea (jp.), lull <<<
和: kazu: addition, pers.
Kanji words: 和歌 , 日和 , 飽和 , 和訳 , 和食 , 平和 , 和平 , 調和 , 浦和 , 和文 , 共和 , 和歌山 , 融和 , 違和 , 大和 , 昭和 , 和裁 , 和服 , 和尚 , 協和 , 和風 , 不和 , 和解 , 令和 , 緩和 , 和室
Expressions: 痛みを和らげる , 苦痛を和らげる , 和菓子 , ベクトル和

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: grammar    nb of strokes: 13
translation: speak, tell, say, talk, chat, converse, conversation
wa, kai
話: hanashi: conversation, speech
話す: hanasu: speak, talk, converse (v.)
話せる: hanaseru: able to speak, sensible
話る: kataru: narrate <<<
話が合う: hanashigaau: have topics of common interest <<<
話し合う: hanashiau: talk with (a person) about (a matter), discuss (a matter) with (a person), consult with (a person) about [on] (a matter) <<<
話をする: hanashiosuru: talk (about), have a talk (with), speak (with), tell a story [tale], give an account of
話が付く: hanashigatsuku: come to [arrive at] an understanding [agreement] (with) <<<
話を付ける: hanashiotsukeru: arrange [fix up] (a matter with a person), settle (a matter) <<<
話の種: hanashinotane: topic (for conversation), subject of talk <<<
話は違うが: hanashiwachigauga: by the way <<<
話変わって: hanashikawatte: meanwhile, on the other hand <<<
話を逸らす: hanashiosorasu: divert the conversation <<<
話に出る: hanashinideru: come up for discussion <<<
話に成らない: hanashininaranai: be out of the question <<<
話の腰を折る: hanashinokoshiooru: interrupt a person, spoil a story
Kanji words: 手話 , 話題 , 談話 , 民話 , 会話 , 世話 , 逸話 , 童話 , 電話 , 神話 , 実話
Expressions: 美しい話 , 嘘の様な話 , 早い話が , 変な話だが , 話が前後する , 身の上話をする , 世間話 , 可笑しな話だが , 流暢に話す , 話の合間に , 楽屋話 , 話相手 , 正直な話 , 英語を話す , 英語で話す , 英語話せますか , 馬鹿話 , 懺悔話 , 電話で話す , 内緒話 , 内緒話をする , 立入った話ですが , 日本語話します , 日本語話せます , 日本語話せません , 日本語話しますか , 自慢話 , 大袈裟な話 , 早口で話す , 率直に話す , 話言葉

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: shape    nb of strokes: 15
translation: wheel, round, circle, ring, perimeter
輪: rin: size of flower (jp.)
輪: wa: wheel, round, circle, ring
輪を作る: waotsukuru: make a circle, form a ring, make a loop <<<
輪を描く: waoegaku: draw a circle <<<
輪を掛ける: waokakeru: exaggerate <<<
輪を広げる: waohirogeru: widen a circle (of) <<<
Kanji words: 全輪 , 浮輪 , 口輪 , 腕輪 , 花輪 , 五輪 , 埴輪 , 竹輪 , 首輪 , 年輪 , 輪廻 , 一輪 , 車輪 , 胴輪 , 輪郭 , 指輪 , 月輪 , 二輪 , 三輪 , 前輪 , 後輪
Expressions: 土星の輪 , 駆動輪 , 知恵の輪 , メビウスの輪 , ゴム輪
synonyms: , リング
check also: , ループ

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: environment , hygiene    nb of strokes: 6
translation: dirt, filth, soil, contamination, dirty, pollute, dishonor, spot
o, wa
汚す: yogosu: dirty (vt.), soil, stain
汚れ: yogore: dirt, filth, soil, contamination
汚れ物: yogoremono: dirty [soiled] things, washing, laundry <<<
汚れを取る: yogoreotoru: take out a stain (from) <<<
汚れる: yogoreru: dirty (vi.)
汚れた: yogoreta: dirty (a.)
汚れっぽい: yogoreppoi: easily soiled, liable to be soiled
汚れ易い: yogoreyasui <<<
汚れる: kegareru: be polluted, be dishonored, sully
汚す: kegasu: dishonor
汚れ: kegare: impurity, pollution, defilement, contamination, blot, stain, shame <<<
汚れの無い: kegarenonai: stainless, taintless, clean, pure, innocent <<<
汚い: kitanai: dirty (a.), filthy, unclean, soiled, shabby, nasty, indecent, obscene, mean, base, unfair, foul, stingy, niggardly
汚くする: kitanakusuru: stain, soil, make dirty
Kanji words: 汚名 , 汚水 , 汚点 , 汚職 , 汚染 , 汚物
Expressions: 薄汚い , 名を汚す , 口汚い , 貞操を汚す , 名誉を汚す , 神聖を汚す , 意地の汚い , 言葉汚く

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: accessory    nb of strokes: 17
translation: circle, round, ring
環: tamaki: circular jewel
環: wa: wheel, round, circle, ring <<<
環る: meguru: go round <<< , ,
Kanji words: 環礁 , 環状 , 循環 , 環境

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: japan    nb of strokes: 10
translation: Japan, obey, follow
wa, i
倭: yamato: Japan (anc.) <<< 大和
倭う: shitagau: obey, follow <<< , ,

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: animal    nb of strokes: 12
translation: frog, toad
a, wa
蛙: kaeru
蛙: kawazu
蛙が鳴く: kaeruganaku: croak <<<
蛙の子は蛙: kaerunokohakaeru: What is born of a cat will catch mice
蛙の面に水: kaerunotsuranimizu: It is like pouring water over a duck's back
Kanji words: 雨蛙
Expressions: 殿様蛙

category: JIS2   radicals:    keyword: house    nb of strokes: 14
translation: cave, cellar
ka, wa
窩: muro

category: JIS2   radicals:    nb of strokes: 16
translation: many (pho.)
ka, wa
夥しい: obitadashii: great many, countless
夥しい量: obitadashiiryou: vast quantity <<<
夥: kazu: pers.

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