Online dictionary of manga and video games in Japan: Sanpei Shirato

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Sanpei Shirato

alternative words: Shirato Sanpei, Sanpe Shirato, Shirato Sanpe
keywords: author , manga
related topics: Legend of kamui , Sasuke
related web sites: ,
explanation: Born on February 15, 1932 at Tokyo, owing a famous Japanese painter as father. Instead of Disney like flat pictures, his drawing is highly realistic as well as the scenario. He belongs to so called "Gekiga (theatrical picture) school" and for this reason he has captured more aged manga fans. His main works are "Ninja bugeicho" (1959), Sasuke (1962) and "Legend of kamui" (Oct 1964 - June 71). The first work was even adapted to a film by famous movie director, Nagisa Oshima.

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