Online dictionary of manga and video games in Japan: Ruroni kenshin

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Ruroni kenshin

るろうに剣心 流浪に剣心
alternative words: Ruro ni kenshin, Rurouni kenshin, Runrou ni kenshin
keywords: anime , manga , title
related topics: Shonen jump , Fuji TV
related web sites: ,
explanation: During Meiji revolution in the late 19th century, Japan had been divided between pro and con westerners. Each side sent a horde of assassins to eliminate the opponents. Himura Kenshin is one of them. When a peace came, he decided never to use his sword to kill, but others didn't let him tranquil. Manga written by Nobuhiro Watsuki and published by Shonen Jump between April 94 and September 99, while the anime version was aired between January 98 and September 98 by Fuji TV.

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