Online dictionary of manga and video games in Japan: Katsuhiro Otomo

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Katsuhiro Otomo

alternative words: Otomo Katsuhiro, Katsuhiro Ootomo, Ootomo Katsuhiro
keywords: anime , author , director , manga
related topics: Akira
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Born on April 14, 1954 in Miyagi prefecture. He began his carrier with "Gurn report", an adaptation of Merimee's short novel. First, his works became popular among manga maniacs thanks to detailed description of scenery. Then, with an influence of French author, Mebius, his works leaned more toward SF manga such as Fireball , Domu, Apple paradise. His fame became definitive thanks to a futurist manga, Akira, published on "Young Magazine" of Kodansha from 1982 to 1990.

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