Online dictionary of manga and video games in Japan: Drifting School

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Drifting School

alternative words: Hyoryu Kyoshitsu, Hyouryuu Kyoushitsu
keywords: manga , title
related topics: Kazuo Umezu , Shonen Sunday
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explanation: SF horror written by Kazuo Umezu. One day, a school with its teachers and pupils has been moved to a future where the all the Earth's surface had become a desert after a nuclear war. More than 800 persons tried to survived in this hostile environment inhabited by spider like future human beings. The hero is a boy of 11 years old, Sho Takamatsu. Manga published on Shonen Sunday between May 1972 and June 1974. It has even been adapted to 2 movies, one in Japan and another in USA.

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