Online dictionary of manga and video games in Japan: Dragon ball

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Dragon Ball

ドラゴンボール ドラゴンボールZ
alternative words: Dragon ball Z, DBZ, Dragonball, Dragonball Z
keywords: anime , dragon ball , manga , title
related topics: Akira Toriyama , Son Goku , Toei Animation , Shonen Jump , Dragonball GT
related web sites: ,
explanation: Manga written by Akira Toriyama. Initially published by "Shonen Jump", between November 1984 and May 1995, and adapted immediatly to an anime and video game. It tells the tale of a boy, half human and half monkey, Son Goku, who went in a search of 7 eggs of dragon which would allow to grant any wishes, once gathered together. This manga/anime, a kind of karate comedy, made a great hit in the world. Anime versionwas aired by Fuji TV from February 1986 to April 1989.

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