Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Yakushiji Temple

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Yakushiji Temple

alternative words: Yakushi-ji Temple, Yakushi Temple, Yakushiji, Yakushi-ji, Yakushi ji
keywords: nara , temple , world heritage
related topics: Nara Prefecture
related web sites: ,
explanation: In the 9th year of Emperor Tenmu's reign (680), in order to pray for the recovery of his wife (later Empress Jito) from an illness, he began to construct Yakushiji Temple. After his death, she continued the work of her husband and completed it in the 11th year of her reign (697). At first, the temple was located in Fujiwara-kyo, the capital at that period, then moved to the actual place with other temples after Nara became the capital in the 3rd year of Wado era (710).

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