Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Wakkanai city

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Wakkanai city

alternative words: Wakkanaishi city, Wakkanaishi, Wakkanai-shi, Wakkani shi, Wakkanai
keywords: hokkaido , town
related topics: Hokkaido prefecture , Rebun island , Rishiri island
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explanation: History of Wakkanai began when Matsumae domain settled a trading post with aborigines in 1685. During Meiji period the city was prosperous with fishing of herring then a departure point to Sakhalin when Japan recuperated it after a war of 1905. After the world war II, it lost the contact with Sakhalin but it has surfaced again after a fall of communist regime in Russia. Wakkanai owns canning and freezing factories of fishes and is a tourist base for Rebun Rishiri islands. The population is 45,000.

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