Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Sensoji Temple

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Sensoji Temple

浅草寺 浅草の観音様 浅草観音
alternative words: Senso Temple, Senso-ji Temple, Sensoji, Senso-ji, Sensouji Temple, Sensouji, Asakusa Kannon, Asakusa shrine, Asakusa temple
keywords: temple , tokyo
related topics: Tokyo Prefecture , Sumida river
related web sites: , ,
explanation: The most oldest Buddhist temple of Tokyo for the popular faith, Sensoji Temple is well known by many people with the name of Kannon (one of Buddhist Gods) of Asakusa. According to a legend, in the 36th year of Empress Suiko's reign (628), 2 fisherman brothers Hinomae, who were living in Asakusa, found a golden statue of 50 cm high during a fishing in Sumida river. Then, county chief, Haji Nakatomo, constructed a small house and install it inside.

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