Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Osaka city

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Osaka city

alternative words: Osakashi city, Osakashi, Osaka-shi, Osaka shi, Oosakashi, Oosaka-shi, Osaka, Oosaka
keywords: harbor , osaka , town
related topics: Osaka prefecture , Hanshin electric railway , Shitennoji temple , Nakanoshima island , Universal studio Japan , Osaka castle
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explanation: Town located at the center of Osaka Prefecture. Its population is 2.6 millions. Close to the old Japanese political center "Nara" and facing Inland Sea at the same time, Osaka has been always a strategic place in Japanese history. After the defeat of Toyotomi family at the beginning of 17th century, its political role has been diminished but always remained as an economic center of Japan and has many industries. The town has also many tourist spots like Osaka Castle and Shitennoji Temple.

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