Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Mt. Daisetsu

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Mt. Daisetsu

大雪山 大雪山
alternative words: Mount Daisetsu, Mt Daisetsu, Mt Taisetsu, Daisetsusan, Daisetsu san, Daisetsuzan, Daisetsu zan, Daisetsu, Daisetu
keywords: hokkaido , mountain , volcano
related topics: Hokkaido Prefecture
related web sites: ,
explanation: Mt. Daisetsu is a group of volcanos located in the center of Hokkaido and Ohachi-daira caldera is surrounded by many peaks such as Mt. Asahi (2290m), the highest, Mt. Hokushin, Mt. Hakuun etc. Above 1700m, it is covered by creeping pine trees and you can find even snow valleys in summer: its skirt is covered by a huge primeval forest. Belonging to Mt. Daisetsu National Park, you can reach there by using ropeways from Soun Valley or Asahi-dake Spa.

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