Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Kuril island

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Kuril Island

千島 千島列島
alternative words: Kuril Islands, Kuril, Kurile, Kurils, Koorile, Chishima, Chi-shima, Chi shima, Chishima retto
keywords: hokkaido , island , territorial dispute , volcano
related topics: Hokkaido Prefecture , Kunashiri Island , Etorofu Island , Nemuro city
related web sites: , ,
explanation: A chain of volcanic islands spreading from Kamchatka peninsula to Hokkaido on 1200 km long. It separates Okhotsuk sea from the Pacific Ocean. The total surface is 15,600 km2 and composed of about 30 main islands. Its climate is very harsh: in summer, fogs, and in winter, ice and snow. Japanese word "Chishima" means "thousand islands" while Russian word "Kuril" comes from Ainu tribe living in Kamchatka, "kuri". Japan is still claiming the southern part of Kurils.

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