Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Izu islands

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Izu Islands

伊豆諸島 伊豆七島
alternative words: 7 Izu Islands, Izu shoto, Izu shotou, Izu shichi to, Izu shichito, Izu shichi tou, Izu shichitou, Izu archipelagos, Izu
keywords: island , tokyo , tourist resort , volcano
related topics: Tokyo Prefecture , Izuoshima Island , Miyake island , Hachijo island , Ogasawara Islands , Niijima island
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Volcanic island chain located between Tokyo and Ogasawara islands on the Pacific ocean. The 7 constituent islands are from the north to the south: Oshima, Toshima, Nijima, Kozujima, Miyakejima, Mikurajima, et Hchijojima. Washing by Kuroshiwo current, the climate is very mild, especially Hachijojima. Oshima and Miyakejima own active volcanoes. Located near Tokyo, they receive many tourists during summer season. All the islands belong to "Fuji Hakone Izu National Park".

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