Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Ito city

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Ito city

alternative words: Itoh city, Itoshi city, Itoshi, Ito-shi, Ito shi, Ito, Itoh, Ito spa, Ito onsen
keywords: hot spring , tourist resort , town
related topics: Shizuoka prefecture , Izu peninsula , Shimoda city
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explanation: Located in the north east of Izu peninsula, Ito is a famous hot spring resort. Appearing in the history as castle town of Ito clan in the late Heian period, its abundant thermal source had been already well known in Edo period. After the opening of Ito railroad in 1938, it has become suddenly a great tourist resort. Owing many tourist facilities such as high ways and golf courses, the opening of a railroad up to Shimoda in 1961 have made Ito a great tourist base of Izu region. Its population is 70,000.

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