Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Ise bay

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Ise bay

alternative words: Ise inlet, Isewan bay, Isewan, Ise-wan, Ise wan
keywords: sea
related topics: Nagoya city , Shima peninsula
explanation: Delimited by Atsumi peninsula on the east and Shima peninsula on the west, it opens to the Pacific ocean to the south where the current is fast while Nagoya city is at the bottom of bay on the north. Its south-north length is 60 km while the east-west width is 30 km. The cost is shoaly and the maximum depth of the bay is about 35m. On September 26, 1959, the bay area was hit by a huge typhoon at the highest tide and it caused the death of more than 5000 persons by breaking dikes (Isewan typhoon).

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