Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Ise Shrine

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Ise Shrine

伊勢神宮 伊勢
alternative words: Isejingu Shrine, Isejingu, Inse-jingu, Isejinguu Shrine, Isejinguu, Inse-jinguu, Ise
keywords: shrine
related topics: Mie Prefecture , Shima peninsula
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explanation: Shrine located in Mie Prefecture at Ise City. It worships Goddess of the Sun, Amaterasu who should be the ancestor of the imperial family. During Edo period, it had been a great center of the popular faith and received each year more than 1 million visitors. It owns also an architectural interest because since Nara period, each 20 years, it has been replicated by following the old plan. With Shima peninsula located nearby, it forms "Ise Shima National Park".

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