Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Ibaraki prefecture

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Ibaraki Prefecture

茨城県 茨城
alternative words: Ibarakiken prefecture, Ibarakiken, Ibaraki-ken, Ibaraki ken, Ibaraki, Ibaragi
keywords: prefecture
related topics: Kashima Shrine , Tokai Village , Tone river , Mito city , Tsukuba city
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explanation: Ibaraki prefecture occupies the north-eastern part of Kanto region on the Pacific coast. Its surface is 6,094 km2 and the population 2.7 millions. The prefectural office is at Mito City. Though its 2 major mineral resources, copper and coal have been exhausted, 2 important activities have appeared, i.e. an education and research center around Tsukuba City and a newly created industry zone of Kashima on the Pacific coast. The culture of vegetables and tobacco is prosperous too.

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