Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: Choshi city

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Choshi city

銚子市 銚子
alternative words: Choshishi city, Choshishi, Choshi, Choushi city, Choushi
keywords: harbor , town
related topics: Chiba prefecture , Tone river
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explanation: Located in northwestern Chiba prefecture, at the mouth of Tone river, Choshi has developed as fishing and Tone's fluvial harbor since Edo period. Though the fluvial transport has declined, Choshi still remains one of the biggest fishing harbors in Japan thanks to its exceptional geographic position. Choshi owns also many factories of fishing equipment and shoyu (soy sauce) brewing. Iubosaki cap and Byubugaura seacoast belong to Suigo Tsukuba national selection park. The population is 83,000.

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