Online dictionary of France travel and tourism: Maison Carree

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Maison Carree

French words: Maison Carrée
alternative words: Square house
keywords: church , roman remains , southern france , tourist resort
related topics: Nimes , Madeleine church
related web sites: ,
explanation: Built at the forum of Nimes around 19 B.C. by a Roman general, Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, for the memory of his 2 sons, died very young, Maison Carree is one of the Roman monuments best preserved until now. Raised on a podium of 3m high, Maison Carree was a classic Augustan temple with 26m long by 15m wide, but transformed to a Christian church in 4th century. Hubert Robert drew a mythical ambience of this temple in his painting of 1787. Madeleine church in Paris has been inspired by Maison Carree.

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