Online dictionary of France travel and tourism: Champs Elysees

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Champs Elysees

French words: Champs Elysées , Avenues des Champs Elysées , Boulevard des Champs Elysées
alternative words: Champs Elysees street, Champs Elysees avenue, Champs Elysee
keywords: locality , paris , tourist resort
related topics: Arc de Triomphe , Louvre museum , Concorde square
related web sites: ,
explanation: Famous street located in the north-west of Paris and runs from "Place de la Concorde" to "Arc de Triomphe" along the historical axis. Though there had been a pasture until 17th century, since le Notre settled it, Champs Elysees has developed quickly. Since 1828, the city of Paris is its owner. During the reign of Napoleon III, rich families such as Rothschild and Pereire installed there, then luxury boutiques such as Vuitton, Guerlain, Lanvin opened. Champs Elysees is a paradise in Greek mythology.

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