Online dictionary of manga and video games in Japan: publishing

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alternative words: Comic book
keywords: general , publishing
related topics: Paperback collection
explanation: The book of a paperback format is an ideal medium for the manga diffusion. Extremely popular in Japan because of its price (about 500 yens = 5 dollars), if you are a genius manga oktaku, you should have a whole bookcase filled up with those books and if it is a series, don't lack even one.


alternative words: Dojinshi, Doujin shi, Dojin shi
keywords: general , manga , publishing
related topics: Doujin
explanation: "Shi" means "magazine" in Japanese. So, "doujinshi" is a weak circulation magazine made specially for "doujin", though it may be sold to the public. There exist doujinshis for any activities but the manga doujinshis are by far the most widespred and active ones because of their commercial interest. Many famous mangaka like Clamp have begun they careers by publishing in a doujinshi before passing to a mass circulation magazine. It is a true fish-pond for young talents in Japan.


alternative words: Koudansha
keywords: company , publishing
related topics: Nakayoshi , Shonen Magazine
related web sites:
explanation: One of the biggest Japanese publishing companies founded by Kiyoharu Noma in 1911. In former times, it was controlling nearly 70% of Japanese magazines. As examples of manga magazines published by the company, we can quote "Nakayoshi" for girls and "Shonen Magazine" for boys.

Paperback collection

keywords: general , publishing
related topics: Comic
explanation: When all the comics (Tankoubon in Japanese) is published in a serial form, it becomes "paperback collection" (Bunkobon in Japanese). The most famous one in manga should be "Kodansha Comics" which contains all the volumes of Sailormoon.

Rental book

貸本 貸し本
alternative words: Kashihon
keywords: manga , publishing
related topics: Osamu Tezuka , Kazuo Umezu
explanation: After World War II, because of a lack of resources, the government had imposed a quota of paper to each publishing company and it caused a proliferation rental book stores, especially for manga. Most of the great mangaka born before the war such as Osamu Tezuka and Kazuo Umezu had contributed to a success of this industry. But once the quota has been suppressed and manga magazines began to appear, those shops declined quickly. It happened the late 50s.


alternative words: Shogakkan, Shougakukan, Shougakkan
keywords: company , publishing
related topics: Shonen Sunday , Big comic
related web sites:
explanation: One of the biggest Japanese publishing companies, founded by Takeo Aiga in 1922 at Tokyo and specialized in books for children, teenagers and the education. As manga magazines it publishes, we can quote "Shonen Sunday" for young boys , "Big comic" for teenagers and "Shojo Comic" for girls. It employs now about 900 persons.

Shojo manga

alternative words: Shoujo manga, Manga for girls, Girls manga
keywords: publishing
related topics: Princess knight , Sailormoon , Nakayoshi
related web sites: ,
explanation: It is the merit of Tezuka Osamu to show that the girls need their own mangas by publishing "Princess knight" in 1953. The world wide success of Sailormoon confirmed the importance of this market. There exist some weekly manga magazines destined to girls such as Nakayoshi and "Shojo Fried".


alternative words: Shuesha, Shuueisha
keywords: company , publishing
related topics: Shonen Jump
related web sites:
explanation: One of the biggest Japanese publishing company, founded in August 1926. As manga magazine it publishes, we can quote "Shonen Jump" for boys and "Marguerite" for girls. It employs about 700 persons.
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