Online dictionary of manga and video games in Japan: nintendo

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Disk System

keywords: machine , nintendo
related topics: Nintendo , Family Computer
explanation: Accessory allowing to use floppy disks with "Family Computer", and consequently to conceive more complex games like "Legende of Zelda", thank to a far superior memory size. At the same time, game shops offered an exchange by inscribing other games for the modest amount of 500 yens: certain advantage for school children with a small purse.

Donkey Kong

keywords: game , nintendo , title
related topics: Nintendo , Family Computer
explanation: After a success of the arcade version (1981), this game has been adapted for the machines, "Game & Watch" (June 1982) and "Family Computer" (July 1983) of Nintendo. For the latter, it was released at the same time as the machine itself. It consists to free a woman captured by a gorilla who moves in a building under construction. It is considered as a classic of action game.

Family Computer

alternative words: Famicom
keywords: machine , nintendo
related topics: Nintendo , Super Famicom
explanation: Console device released by Nintendo in July 1983. It is the first machine which has got a real success. In order to be sold for home usage, the fabrication cost has been studied at the extreme but it hasn't been forgotten to add 2 controllers to be able to play 2. Though it seems very primitive for nowadays (8 bits cpu and only 4 colors), la machine has become quickly popular. The spectacular success of "Super Mario Brothers" is legendary with more than 10 million copies sold in the world.

Game & Watch

alternative words: Game watch, Game and watch
keywords: machine , model , nintendo
related topics: Nintendo
related web sites:
explanation: Portable game video device released by Nintendo in April 1980. Contrary to their successors, like Game Boy, the game is not interchangeable. In spite of this handicap and an expensive price (5000 yens for only one game), it was a huge hit among Japanese school kids because the concept of a portable game device had been unknown at that time. Unfortunately for Nintendo, the machine being protected by no patents, the market has been quickly invaded by the imitations.

Game Boy

alternative words: Gameboy
keywords: machine , model , nintendo
related topics: Nintendo , Pokemon , Gameboy advance
related web sites:
explanation: Portable game device released by Nintendo in April 1989. This technical wonder has immediately delighted the youngsters of the world by its miniature size and performance: Since then, they can play favorite games everywhere, in bus, in train even in school. The initial version had only black and white screen but now a color version has been released with Pokemon as the flagship software.

Gameboy advance

alternative words: Game boy advance
keywords: machine , model , nintendo
related topics: Game Boy , Nintendo
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Expected in March 200 with the price of 9800 yens, it is a major upgrade of the famous Nintendo's Gameboy. Its screen (32,000 colors, 240x160 dots) is 50% bigger than the old Gameboy and the CPU is 32 bit RISC instead of 8 bits. Moreover, you can connect up to 4 machines with a special cable (1400 yens) to enjoy a multi-play if the game supports it. The machine is compatible with the games developed for the old Gameboy and Gameboy color.

Legend of Zelda

alternative words: Zelda
keywords: game , nintendo , title
related topics: Nintendo , Family Computer , Disk System
related web sites:
explanation: Video game for "Family Computer" released in February 1986. Nintendo has developed this game in order to demonstrate the ability of "Disk System" for its machine. For users accustomed to cartridge based games, its wealth wad astounding. Since other games for "Disk System" have not become equally popular, it may possess an own intrinsic quality and should be one of the best action RPG. Recently, Nintendo 64 version has been released.


alternative words: Nintendou
keywords: company , game , nintendo
related topics: Game Boy , Super Famicom , Nintendo 64 , Pokemon
related web sites:
explanation: Producer of game machines and video games, founded in 1889 at Kyoto City. Initially, it had been publishing card games. After a huge success of "Family Computer" (1983), its fame reached foreign countries. Other well known game machines are: "Game Boy" (1989), Super Famicom (1990) and Nintendo 64 (1996). Famous "Super Mario Brothers" has been adapted to all those machines. Recently "Pokemon" developed for "Color Game Boy" made a great hit in Japan and USA.

Nintendo 64

keywords: machine , nintendo
related topics: Nintendo , Super Famicom , Pokemon Stadium
related web sites:
explanation: Consumer game machine released by Nintendo in June 1996. Being the first game machine of 16 bits, it should perpetuate Nitendo's supermacy on the market after weakening of "Super Famicom" vs "Sega Saturn" and "Play Station" of Sony Unfortunately, its late release and high price system based on archaic cartridge has forced Nintendo to give up the first place to Sony's Play Station in 1997.


ニンテンドーDS ニンテンドーディーエス
alternative words: DS
keywords: machine , model , nintendo
related topics: Gameboy advance
related web sites:
explanation: Released at the end of 2004 by Nintendo as the successor of Gameboy advance, the main characteristics of this handheld machine is a dual screen which should allow to see another information without changing the mode. Besides the main processor ARM946E-S, Nintendo-DS owns ARM7TDMI processor in order to keep the compatibility with Gameboy advance. Wifi protocol allows to connect several DS together so many people can play simultaneously the same game. In March 2006, a top-end version, DS Lite was released.
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