Online dictionary of manga and video games in Japan: dr. slump

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Akira Toriyama

alternative words: Toriyama Akira
keywords: author , dr. slump , dragon ball , manga
related topics: Dragon Ball , Dr. Slump
explanation: Born April 5, 1955 in Aichi Prefecture near Nagoya City. He began his career by publishing "Wonder Island" but especially "Dr. Slump", the tale of a crazy scientific in "Shonen Jump". After a hit of the latter, he published in the same magazine "Dragon Ball", a kind of karate comedy, of which success in the world, especially in France, is notorious. Probably, he should be the most popular mangaka because the sales of his books has surpassed 100 millions in the world.


alternative words: Arale-chan, Ararechan, Arare-chan, Norimaki Arare, Norimaki Arale
keywords: character , dr. slump
related topics: Dr. Slump
explanation: Robot invented by Dr. Slump aka "Senbei Norimaki". It a very intelligent and powerful girl but a little odd as her inventor. By the way, in Japanese "Arale" means "hailstone" but also small rice cookies looking like pop-corn.

Dr. Slump

Dr.スランプ Drスランプ
alternative words: Dr Slump, Doctor Slump
keywords: anime , dr. slump , manga , title
related topics: Akira Toriyama , Shonen Jump , Toei Animation , Fuji TV
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explanation: One of the master works of Japanese mangaka, Akira Toriyama. Initially published in a weekly magazine, "Shonen Jump" between January 1981 and August 1984, and adapted immediately to an anime. It tells a funny tale caused by a girl robot (Arale) invented by a mad scientific (doctor Slump) and a humanoid (Gatchan) born from an old egg just discovered. Starting from their village, "Penguin", their adventures go beyond time and space limits.


alternative words: Gat-chan, Gat chan, Norimaki Gajira
keywords: character , dr. slump
related topics: Dr. Slump
explanation: Friend of Arale in Dr. Slump. he has born from an unearthed old egg et eats everything excepting for rubber. His name alludes to a Japanese monster, "Godzilla", because in Japanese people don't distinguish "l" from "r".

Norimaki Senbei

alternative words: Senbei Norimaki.
keywords: character , dr. slump
related topics: Dr. Slump
explanation: Mad scientific in a manga comedy "Dr. Slump". He has invented a girl robot, Arale, in order to escape from a loneliness; he believes himself as the most handsome of the world.
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