Online dictionary of manga and video games in Japan: diverse

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A. T. Field

alternative words: AT Field
keywords: diverse , evangelion
related topics: Evangelion
explanation: Defense weapon in Evangelion. It consists to wrap around the body by a strong electromagnetic barrier in order that the enemy's weapons couldn't penetrate. A. T. Field means "Absolute Terror Field".


秋葉原 秋葉
keywords: diverse , geography
explanation: District near the center of Tokyo. Initially, a district of cloth merchants, it has transformed to a district of home electric devices before becoming a district of computers and video games. Akihabara means "field of autumn leaves" in Japanese while "Akiba" is a slang.


alternative words: Apostle, Disciple
keywords: diverse , evangelion
related topics: Evangelion
explanation: Monsters which attack the Earth and against which our hero Shinji strives with the Evangelion robot. There exist 17 in total and each has a different morphology. The correct translation is disciple or apostle.


alternative words: Costume play
keywords: diverse , game
related web sites:
explanation: Since the RPG is very popular in Japan, the cosplay is popular too.


alternative words: Kame hame ha, Kamehame-ha
keywords: diverse , dragon ball
related topics: Dragon Ball , Son Goku
explanation: Fighting technique used by Son Goku in Dragon Ball. It consists to send a fire ball to his enemies. It is his teacher of karate, Turtle Master, who gave this technique. The name comes from a pun because "Kame" means turtle in Japanese but Kamehameha was the last king of Hawaiian Islands. Remember Turtle Master wears always a Hawaiian t-shirt.


keywords: anime , diverse , manga
related topics: High school Kimengumi
explanation: Band of 5 crazy high school boys in manga, "High school Kimengumi", of which members are: Ichido Rei who is the leader, Reietsu Go, Daima Jin, Monohoshi Dai et Shusse Kiyoshi. They form with 2 pretty girls, Kawa Yui and Uru Chie, the regular members of this manga. Kimen means "strange face" in Japanese.


alternative words: Makankousappou, Makanko Sappo
keywords: diverse , dragon ball
related topics: Dragon Ball
explanation: Combat technique used by Piccolo in Dragon Ball. It consists to send a destructive lightning to his enemies in the same manner as Kamehameha of Son Goku.


keywords: diverse , evangelion
related topics: Evangelion
explanation: Organization controlled by United Nations and responsible to fight against invaders. It is located at Tokyo-3 and directed par the father of Shinji, hero of Evangelion. By the way, Nerv means "nerve" in German.

Planet Namek

alternative words: Namek
keywords: diverse , dragon ball
related topics: Dragon Ball
explanation: Planet where Piccolo came from in the episode of Dragon Ball. It has been a fierce battle field between Vegita and Freezer and explode at the end.

Real World

keywords: anime , diverse , lain
related topics: Serial Experiments Lain
explanation: Real world as opposed to the virtual world created by "Wired" in "Serial Experiments Lain".
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