Online dictionary of geography and travels in Japan: shrine

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Akama Shrine

alternative words: Akamajingu Shrine, Akama-jingu Shrine, Akamajingu, Akama-jingu, Akama jingu
keywords: shrine
related topics: Yamaguchi Prefecture , Shimonoseki city , Battle_of_dannoura
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explanation: Located in Yamaguchi Prefecture at Shimonoseki City, it worships Emperor Antoku who died at the age of 7 by throwing himself into sea with his mother when Heike clan was defeated by Genji clan during the famous battle of Dannoura in March 1185.

Atsuta Shrine

alternative words: Atsutajingu Shrine, Atsuta-jingu Shrine, Atsutajingu, Atsuta-jingu, Atsuta jingu
keywords: shrine
related topics: Nagoya City
related web sites:
explanation: Located in Nagoya and one of the oldest shrines in Japan. After a conquest of the eastern part of Japan around the 4th century, the famous Japanese prince, Yamato Takeru has died in the neighborhood before reaching the capital. His wife and also a daughter of the local lord, Miyasu Hime buried his body at the place where the actual shrine stands. The saber used by the prince, called Kusanagi no Tsurugi, is kept by this shrine. It is one of the 3 treasures of the imperial family.

Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine

太宰府天満宮 天満宮
alternative words: Dazaifu Tenmagu Shrine, Dazaifu Tenman-gu Shrine, Dazaifu Tenma-gu Shrine, Dazaifu Tenmangu
keywords: kyushu , shrine
related topics: Fukuoka Prefecture
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explanation: Located in Fukuoka Prefecture at Dazaifu City, this shrine worships Sugawara no Michizane, commonly called "Tenjin Sama". Michizane was a famous scholar of Heian Period. Beaten by his political rival, he was sent to Dazaifu and died there. For this reason, it is considered efficacious on entry examination of universities.

Fushimi inari shrine

伏見稲荷大社 伏見大社
alternative words: Fushimi inari taisha, Fushimi inari taisha shrine, Fushimi taisha, Fushimiinari, Fushimi inari
keywords: kyoto , shrine
related topics: Kyoto city
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explanation: Located on Fushimi ward in Kyoto city, it is the center of Inari cult in Japan. The origin of the shrine remains mysterious but has been traditionally administered by Hata family and considered one of the 3 most important shrines of Kyoto with Kamo and Matsuo. Initially Inari had been the god of rice but gradually transformed to the god of commerce during the middle ages and became very popular among merchants so Fushimi owns more than 30,000 child shrines all over Japan.

Hachimangu Shrine

alternative words: Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, Tsurugaokahachimangu Shrine, Hachimangu, Tsurugaoka Hachimangu, Tsurugaoka Hachimanguu, Hachimanguu shrine, Hachimangu temple
keywords: kanagawa , shrine
related topics: Kanagawa Prefecture , Kamakura City , Usa Shrine
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explanation: Shrine built by Minamoto no Yoritomo in order to protect Kamakura against a bad fate. It is a "child shrine" of Usa Shrine located in Kyushyu. Hachiman is a nick name of the Japanese 15th Emperor, Ojin. Yoritomo being the first Shogun, the cult of Hachiman became very popular among Samurai clans in the Middle Ages.

Heanjingu Shrine

alternative words: Hean jingu shrine, Heanjingu, Hean-jingu, Hean jingu, Heianjingu shrine, Heian jingu shrine, Heianjingu, Heian jingu
keywords: kyoto , shrine
related topics: Kyoto city
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explanation: Shrine built in 1895 at Kyoto City in order to commemorate a transfer of Japanese capital to Kyoto 1100 years ago (i.e. 795). It enshrines Emperor Kanmu who decided this transfer and its architecture imitates the Imperial Palace of that period.

Ise Shrine

伊勢神宮 伊勢
alternative words: Isejingu Shrine, Isejingu, Inse-jingu, Isejinguu Shrine, Isejinguu, Inse-jinguu, Ise
keywords: shrine
related topics: Mie Prefecture , Shima peninsula
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explanation: Shrine located in Mie Prefecture at Ise City. It worships Goddess of the Sun, Amaterasu who should be the ancestor of the imperial family. During Edo period, it had been a great center of the popular faith and received each year more than 1 million visitors. It owns also an architectural interest because since Nara period, each 20 years, it has been replicated by following the old plan. With Shima peninsula located nearby, it forms "Ise Shima National Park".

Itsukushima Shrine

厳島神社 厳島 宮島
alternative words: Itsukushima, Miyajima shrine, Miyajima jingu, Miyajima
keywords: shrine , tourist resort , world heritage
related topics: Hiroshima Prefecture , Inland sea , Matsushima , Amanohashidate , Taira_no_kiyomori
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located on a tiny island in Inland sea, Ikutsushima shrine was built in 593 during the reign of Empress Suiko and enlarged by Taira no Kiyomori in 12th century. It worships Princesses Ichikishima, Tagori and Tagitsu, and is considered as a protector of sailors. It belongs to "3 Japanese famous views" with Amanohashidate and Matsushima. Itsukushima mean "holy island" while Miyajima means "shrine island". The shrine has been enlisted in UNESCO's world heritage since 1996 for its exceptional architecture.

Izumo Shrine

alternative words: Izumotaisha shrine, Izumo-taisha shrine, Izumotaisha, Izumo-taisha, Izumo taisha
keywords: shrine
related topics: Shimane Prefecture
related web sites: ,
explanation: Shrine located in Shimane Prefecture at Taisha City. It worships the god of marriage and agriculture Okuninushino Mikoto and is considered one of the most important shrines in Japan. According to a legend, its first building should have more that 100 m high but has been rebuilt with only 50m high after the destruction by an earthquake. Nevertheless, it remains one of the most biggest wooden buildings in Japan. Recently man has unearthed remainders of 100m high shrine.

Kanda Shrine

alternative words: Kandamyojin shrine, Kandamyoujin shrine, Kanda myojin, Kandamyojin, Kandamyoujin
keywords: shrine , tokyo
related topics: Tokyo Prefecture
related web sites:
explanation: Shrine located in Tokyo Prefecture at Kanda district. It worships the seignior, Tairano Masakado who strove to create an independent state in Kanto region during Heian period. For that reason, it is considered as a protector of Tokyo City. Kanda Matsuri which occurs on 15 May is one of the most important festivals in Tokyo.
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