Online dictionary of France travel and tourism: park

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Bois de Boulogne

French words: Bois de Boulogne
alternative words: Boulogne forest
keywords: paris , paris suburb , park
related topics: Longchamp racecourse
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explanation: Until the middle ages, there had existed a vast forest in west of Paris and French kings were used to hunt there. The nearest part was named "Bois de Boulogne" because after the king Philippe IV pilgrimmed at Boulogne-sur-mer, a chapel was built there in 1315. Napoleon III assigned in 1852 the gardener Vare then the engineer Alphand to transform it to an English style garden. Covering 8460 km2, Bois de Boulogne owns a small amusement park (jardin d'acclimatation) and 2 hippodromes, Auteuil and Longchamp.

Bois de Vincennes

French words: Bois de Vincennes
alternative words: Vincennes forest
keywords: paris , paris suburb , park
related topics: Bois de Boulogne , Vincennes castle
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located in east of Paris, Bois de Vincennes had been a hunting area for French kings during the middle ages. Philippe II surrounded it with walls and added a hunting lodge in 13th century. A legend says that Saint Louis would give judgements under oak trees. Napoleon III asked again in 1857 Adolphe Alphand to transform it to an English style garden like Bois de Boulogne. Covering 9950 km2, Bois de Vincennes owns zoological and floral gardens, and a hippodrome. Most of 1900 Olympic games were played there.

Disneyland Paris

French words: Disneyland Paris
alternative words: Euro Disneyland, Eurodisney, Paris Disneyland, Disney resorts, Disney park, Disneyland
keywords: paris suburb , park , tourist resort
related topics: RER
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located 32km east of Paris with more than 2000 ha of surface and 42 attractions, Disneyland Paris is the unique Disney park in Europe. It was inaugurated in 1992 with the name of "Euro Disneyland" but first years were rather disastrous due to a lack of French visitors. After a name change to "Disneyland Paris" and its CEO in 1994, the result has improved. In 2002, a new park "Walt Disney Studios" was added to an adjacent area. Your can reach there with the eastern highway or a suburban train (RER).

Luxembourg Garden

French words: Jardin du Luxembourg , Palais du Luxembourg , Sénat
alternative words: Jardin du Luxembourg, Palais du Luxembourg, French Senate
keywords: castle , paris , park
related web sites: ,
explanation: Situated between Saint Germain des Pres and Quartier Latin districts, Luxembourg Garden was created in 1612. "Palais du Luxembourg" located inside the garden is a Florence style palace built in 1625 for Queen Marie de Medicis after an assassination of King Henri IV. Napoleon Bonaparte transformed it to French Senate in 1799. Covering 23 hectares, Jardin du Luxembourg is one of the biggest public gardens inside Paris and organizes different activities such as Chess and "Jeu de paume", ancestor of Tennis.

Monet museum

French words: Jardin de Monet , Maison de Monet , Musée de Monet
alternative words: Claude Monet museum, Monet garden, Giverny
keywords: museum , normandy , park , tourist resort
related web sites:
explanation: Impressionism master, Claude Monet spent his life in a house at Giverny from 1883 until his death in 1926. He let make a pond on the another side of the road and drew a big lotus paint, which decorates now the gallery of Orangerie at Paris. His house becoming a museum, exposes Monet's great collection of Japanese woodcuts (Ukiyoe). Giverny is located 80 km west of Paris, near Vernon.

Tuileries palace

French words: Palais de Tuileries , Jardin des Tuileries
alternative words: Tuileries garden, Tuileries
keywords: castle , paris , park , tourist resort
related topics: Louvre museum
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Unhappy with Louvre palace, French queen, Catherine of Medici asked in 1564 to build her residence nearby with a large garden. It would be called "Tuileries palace" and became a favourite palace for French kings. During French revolution in 1789, Louis XVI was under house arrest there before being beheaded at Place Concorde. During Paris commune uprising in 1871, Tuileries palace was burned out and only Flore and Marsan pavilions, junction with Louvre palace, and Tuileries garden have subsisted until today.
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