Online dictionary of France travel and tourism: french riviera

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French words: Cannes
keywords: french riviera , sea , southern france , tourist resort , town
related topics: Nice
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located in south-east of France on the Mediterranean coast near Nice, Cannes was called Canois by Romans, because of abundant reeds there. Though Cannes was disputed between France and Holy Roman Empire during the middle ages, it had remained a small fisher harbor until 1834 when a British politician, Brougham settled his cottage there. Since then, Cannes has developed to become an international tourist resort. Cannes film festival is held each May on the beach street, "Croisette". The population is 68000.


French words: Frejus
alternative words: Frejus harbor
keywords: french riviera , sea , southern france , tourist resort , town
related topics: Marseille , Cannes
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located in west of Cannes, on the Mediterranean cost, Frejus had been founded by Greeks from Marseille. It was referenced on a letter of Cicero as "Forum Julii". Though Emperor Augustus enlarged its harbor and added many monuments such as Amphitheater and Aqueduct, Frejus declined slowly due to a silting-up and was devastated by Saracens in 940. In 1959, it lost 400 persons due to a collapse of Malpasset dam. Frejus recovered its maritime vocation by opening a new harbor in 1989. Its population is 51000.


French words: Monaco , Principauté de Monaco
alternative words: Principality of Monaco
keywords: french riviera , sea , southern france , tourist resort , town
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located in south-east of France on the Mediterranean coast near Italian border, Monaco is the second smallest country in the world. It was founded in 1215 as a Genoa's colony and Grimaldi house has controlled Monaco since 1297. Rainier III married a Hollywood star Grace Kelly in 1956. Having no income tax, Monaco organizes many activities to attract tourists such as, Grand Prix de Monaco, Rally Monte Carlo, Football (As Monaco), Casino, Opera etc. The current sovereign is Albert II and the population 32500.


French words: Nice
alternative words: Nizza
keywords: french riviera , sea , southern france , tourist resort , town
related topics: Marseille
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located in south-east of France on the Mediterranean coast near Italian border, Nice was founded by Greeks from Marseille in 5th BC. During the medieval period, Nice had been a part of Holy Roman Empire. Nice was ceded to France from Sardinia kingdom by the unification process of Italy in 1860. Now, Nice is a well known international resort town for its carnival, casinos and beautiful beach, "Promenade des Anglais". Nice is also the capital of Alpes-Maritimes prefecture and the population is 330500.

Saint Tropez

French words: Saint Tropez
keywords: french riviera , sea , southern france , tourist resort , town
related topics: Nice
related web sites: ,
explanation: Situated in southeastern France between Toulon and Nice on the Mediterranean coast, Saint Tropez had been unknown for most of the tourists because of its location, somewhat distant from the main road. It has begun to attract international stars from 1920's but Saint Tropez has got a real renown when many celebrities such as Picasso and Brigit Bardot built their cottage in 1950's. During the summer season, the harbor is full of luxurious yachts while the best beach is stretching on the "Baie de Pampelonne".
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