Online dictionary of manga and video games in Japan: anime

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Spirited away

alternative words: Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi
keywords: anime
related topics: Hayao Miyazaki
related web sites: ,
explanation: Japanese anime of Hayao Miyazaki, released in Japan in 2001. The heroine of a 10 years old girl, Chihiro, entered accidentally into an mysterious world populated with strange characters, during a house-moving with parents. There, she had to work hard inside a huge bathhouse, Aburaya, managed by an old woman, Yubaba and changing her name to Sen. Finally she successfully escaped from this world thanks to the aid of a beautiful boy, Haku. The film got an Oscar prize in 2003 as the best animated film.

Star of Giants

alternative words: Kyojin no hoshi, Kyojinnohoshi
keywords: anime , manga , title
related topics: Shonen Magazine , Noboru Kawasaki
related web sites: ,
explanation: One of the classic sport mangas, written by Noboru Kawasaki based on a scenario of Ikki Kajiwara. It tells the story of a father who forms his son with a Spartan training to be accepted by the famous Japanese baseball team, "the Giants". The manga was published on Shonen Magazine in 1966, while an anime version was broadcasted between March 1968 and September 1971 (182 episodes!).

Studio Ghibli

alternative words: Ghibli
keywords: anime , company
related topics: Hayao Miyazaki
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explanation: After a great hit of "Nausicaa of the valley of wind", the famous Japanese producer of catoons, Hayao Miyazaki, founded his own production company "Studio Ghibli" in 1985 with his friend "Isao Takahata" and "Tokuma Shoten" as the backer. All the recent cartoons of Miyazaki have been produced by this company. Ghibli means "hot wind coming from Sahara desert".

Sun Rise

alternative words: Sunrise
keywords: anime , company
related topics: Escaflowne , Gundam
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explanation: Cartoon production company founded at Tokyo in 1972. It is well known for the producer of several cartoons which have made great hits like "Gundam" and "Escaflowne".

Theater version

alternative words: Movie version, Film version, Theatrical release
keywords: anime , general
explanation: The movie version of a cartoon makes the producer run a big financial risk so most of them prefer to release first a TV version and watch the public reaction. "Studio Ghibli" is an exception.

Theme song

テーマソング アニメソング アニソン
alternative words: Anime song, Anisong, Anison
keywords: anime
related topics: Astroboy , Gigantor
related web sites: ,
explanation: The history of theme songs is closely linked to that of anime itself, so it was heard firstly in 1963 with Astroboy (Tetsuwan Atom) and Gigantor (Ironman 28). Now they are available on internet with different formats such as Midi, MP3, Aiff etc. but due to a copyright law, it is quite difficult to find them free.

Toei Animation

alternative words: Toei Doga, Touei Douga
keywords: anime , company
related topics: Dragon Ball , Sailormoon
related web sites:
explanation: Subsidiary of Toei which is a large Japanese move company, and specialized in cartoon productions. Toei itself has been founded in March 1951. As its realization, we can quote "Dragon Ball" and Sailormoon.

UFO robot Grendizer

alternative words: Grendizer
keywords: anime , title
related topics: Go Nagai
explanation: Anime produced by Go Nagai and broadcasted by Fuji TV between October 1975 and February 1977. Between 1970 and 1980, there was a proliferation of cartoons on the giant robots piloted from inside by human beings or similar. It tells the story about a young prince from planet Fleed, who comes to pilot a giant robot in order to defend the justice. Being a huge hit in France, it has formed manga fans of the first generation in France.

World masterpiece theater

keywords: anime , diverse
related topics: Nippon Animation , Dog of Flanders , Remi the Homeless Girl
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explanation: Name given to a series of TV cartoons created by "Nippon Animation" since 1975. Having many adaptations of western literature like "Remi the homeless girl", "Little princess Sara" and "A Dog of Flanders", many titles have been broadcasted by European TV stations.


alternative words: Yu-gi-oh, Yugio, Yuugio, Yuguio
keywords: anime , manga , title , yugioh
related topics: Kazumare Takahashi , Toei Animation , Game Boy , Konami
related web sites:
explanation: Manga written by a Japanese mangaka, Kazumare Takahashi. Its publication in a weekly magazine, Shonen Jump, began in 1996 and still continues while its anime version was broadcasted between April and October 1998 by TV Asahi. It tells the story about a boy who got a great power to fight against the evil after having resolved a puzzle which had remained insoluble during 1000 years. It exists also a video game for Game Boy marketed by Konami.
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