Online dictionary of manga and video games in Japan: anime

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Reiin Iwakura

alternative words: Iwakura Reiin
keywords: anime , character , lain
related topics: Serial Experiments Lain
explanation: Principal character in Japanese cartoon, "Serial Experiments Lain". Rather shy high school girl in the real life, she becomes aggressive in a virtual world when connecting to "Wired". Please note that for Japanese, there exists few difference in pronunciation of her first name "Rein" and her identification of connection "lain".

Remi the Homeless Girl

keywords: anime , title
related topics: Nippon Animation
related web sites:
explanation: Adaptation to an anime of a novel of the famous French writer, Hector Malot (1830-1907). It tells the story about a child (boy in the original novel but a girl in the anime) who travels all over France with itinerant artists and finds finally her family. The cartoon has been realized by "Nippon Animation" and broadcasted by Fuji TV between January and December 1995.

Ruroni kenshin

るろうに剣心 流浪に剣心
alternative words: Ruro ni kenshin, Rurouni kenshin, Runrou ni kenshin
keywords: anime , manga , title
related topics: Shonen jump , Fuji TV
related web sites: ,
explanation: During Meiji revolution in the late 19th century, Japan had been divided between pro and con westerners. Each side sent a horde of assassins to eliminate the opponents. Himura Kenshin is one of them. When a peace came, he decided never to use his sword to kill, but others didn't let him tranquil. Manga written by Nobuhiro Watsuki and published by Shonen Jump between April 94 and September 99, while the anime version was aired between January 98 and September 98 by Fuji TV.

Sachi Yomoda

alternative words: Yomoda Sachi
keywords: anime , character , lain
related topics: Serial Experiments Lain
explanation: Friend of Rein Iwakura alias lain who is the main character in "Serial Experiments Lain". After Sachi has killed herself by jumping from a building, the horror begins because some continue to receive e-mails from her.


セーラームーン 美少女戦士セーラームーン
alternative words: Sailor moon, Bishojo senshi sailormoon
keywords: anime , manga , sailormoon , title
related topics: Naoko Takeuchi , Bishojo Senshi , Nakayoshi , Sailor blouse , TV Asahi
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Main work of a woman mangaka, Naoko Takeuchi. It appeared first time in a weekly magazine of Kodansha, Nakayoshi, in February 1992, and was quickly adapted to TV (broadcasted by TV Asahi), movies, comics etc because of its unquestionable success. It tells the story of a group of young high school girls who fight against an evil power after having learned to turn into warriors thanks to a magic stick.

Saint Seiya

alternative words: Saint Seya, Setoshi Seiya, Seitoushi Seiya, Seya, Seiya
keywords: anime , manga , title
related topics: Masami Kurumada
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Manga based on a Greek mythology and written by a Japanese mangaka, Masami Kurumada. It has been published first in a weekly magazine, Shonen Jump, between 1986 and 1990. It has been soon broadcasted by TV Asahi from 1986. This manga made a great hit all over the world, especially in France.


keywords: anime , manga , title
related topics: Sanpei Shirato , Legend of Kamui
related web sites:
explanation: Manga created by Sanpei Shirato in 1962. It tells the story of a ninja family, Daisuke Oozaru and his son Sasuke who are tracked by Tokugawa's ninja. Contrary to "legend of Kamui" which is a highly politicized manga, Sasuke is destined to rather young readers: it explains the technique used by Sasuke in each combat and may remind you perhaps of the adventure of Mac Gyver in American TV film. The anime version was aired between September 1968 and March 69.

Secret of blue water

alternative words: The secret of blue water, Fushigina umi no Nadia, Nadia
keywords: anime
related topics: Gainax
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Anime created by Gainax and broadcasted by NHK between April 1990 and April 1991. During Paris exposition in 1889, Jean, a boy who loves the invention encounters Nadia, a girl who is working in circus and owns a mysterious blue jewel. Because of this stone, they will be tracked by a gang, Neo Atlantis but saved by a submarine, Nautilus led by captain Nemo. Base on a classic of Jules Verne, this is the first TV cartoon created by Gainax.

Serial Experiments Lain

Serial Experiments Lain
alternative words: Lain
keywords: anime , lain , title
related topics: Reiin Iwakura , TV Tokyo
related web sites: ,
explanation: Japanese cartoon broadcasted between July and September 1998 by TV Tokyo and which has been rewarded as the best realization of its category for the second semester 1998. It tells the story about a young girl who will be implicated in a psycho-horror after the suicide of her friend. The scene takes place in a near future in Tokyo where all the people communicate with a handful terminal device "Navi" connected to a powerful computer network, "Wired".

Space Battleship Yamato

alternative words: Uchu senkan Yamato
keywords: anime , manga , title
related topics: Leiji Matsumoto
related web sites: ,
explanation: Manga and anime created by Leiji Matsumoto. It tells the story about earthlings who defend their planet with a huge space battleship "Yamato", after having suffered a brutal attack of extraterrestrials. Manga has been published in a monthly, Boken-oh between November 1974 and April 1975, at the same time as a TV series by TV Asahi between October 1974 and March 1975. In the presence of a huge hit, other series and a movie version have been created.
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