Online dictionary of manga and video games in Japan: game

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alternative words: Sega Enterprise
keywords: company , game , sega
related topics: Mega Drive , Sega Saturn , Dreamcast , Shenmue
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Maker of game machines and video games. Founded in 1951, initially it was making machines for game centers. After the progress of electronics had made possible their miniaturization, it has entered the home market. The most known ones are Mega Drive (October 1988), Sega Saturn (November 1994) and finally Dreamcast (November 1998). It publishes also software like "Sonic the hedgehog" and possesses an own chain of game centers in Japan. Sega is an abbreviation of "Service Game".

Sega Rally Championship

alternative words: Sega Rally, SRC, Sega Rally 2
keywords: game , sega , title
related topics: Sega , Sega Saturn , Dreamcast
related web sites:
explanation: Video game of a car race simulation (rally). It is the first car race game which made a real hit, thanks to 3D graphics and a perfect music. First, Saturn version was released in December 1995 from an almost complete adaptation of the arcade version. Its successor, Saga Rally II which includes a choice of more vehicles was released in January 1999 for Dreamcast. There exists a Windows version, too.


alternative words: Shenmu, Shen mue
keywords: game , sega , title
related topics: Sega , Dreamcast
related web sites: , , ,
explanation: RPG video game of action developed by Sega. Its release date for Dreamcast is set for October 1999. It tells the story about a Japanese boy who travels through the Chinese continent in order to understand the mysterious death of his father. According to Sega, this game should be classified in the category FREE (= Full Reactive Eyes Entertainment), in short, there exists the scene which are different following the contexts and drawn instantaneously thanks to the performance of Dreamcast.

Shit game

alternative words: Game without value
keywords: diverse , game
explanation: After a great success of "Family Computer", there has appeared a proliferation of uninteresting video games without value and it forced Nintendo to restrict the number of companies authorized to produce the games for its machine.

Sonic the hedgehog

keywords: game , sega , title
related topics: Sega
explanation: Action video game from Sega. Developed first for its arcade machine, it has let the people quickly enthusiast thanks to its speed and a rhythmical music. The main character, a small hedgehog, has become the mascot of Sega, in the same way as Mario in Nintendo.


keywords: company , game , sony
related topics: Play Station , Playstation 2 , Gran Turismo
related web sites:
explanation: Japanese electronic giant, founded in May 1946. Its name comes from the combination of an English word "sonny" (=kid) and a Latin word "sonus" (=sound). Initially, it had been making tape recorders. After a great hit of miniaturized radio sets thanks to transistors, it has begun to develop really. Recently, it entered the video game market by releasing a 32 bits console, "Play Station".

Space Invader

keywords: game , title
related topics: Taito , Family Computer
explanation: At the beginning, most of the video games for the home usage were merely an adaptation of popular arcade games. "Space Invader" developed and adapted to "Family Computer" by Taito falls into this category. The game consists to shoot the invaders who are falling from the top screen. In some period, this game was visible everywhere in Japan, like game centers and coffee shops. Though it seems very simple nowadays, it is considered as the ancestor of all the shooting games which would follow.


alternative words: Square Soft, Squaresoft
keywords: company , game
related topics: Final Fantasy , Legend of Mana
related web sites:
explanation: Publisher of video games founded in September 1986. It is well known to be the publisher of the most popular video game, "Final Fantasy" (RPG).

Street Fighter

keywords: game , title
related topics: Capcom
related web sites:
explanation: Video game of beat'em up developed by Capcom and released for "Super Famicom" in June 1992. By the complexity of tactics to follow and choice of characters, it has well settled the interests of this category of games. After a great hit, this game has been adapted also for "Play Station", "Sega Saturn" and arcade.

Super Mario Brothers

alternative words: Mario Brothers
keywords: game , nintendo , title
related topics: Nintendo , Family Computer , Game Boy , Nintendo 64
explanation: Video game initially developed by Nintendo for its machine, "Family Computer" and released in September 1985. The game which consists to let move or jump a small man with a mustache and a red hat (Mario), has been sold more than 5 million copies thanks to a simple concept but not to bore players even in several repetitions. It had created so a golden age of video games in Japan. this games has been adapted later to all the machines of Nintendo, i.e. Game Boy, Super Famicom and Nintendo 64.
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