Online dictionary of manga and video games in Japan: game

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Metal Gear Solid

alternative words: Metalgear Solid, Metal Gear, Metalgear
keywords: game , title
related topics: Konami
related web sites: ,
explanation: Action video game in 3D, commercialized by Konami. Initially developed for MSX2 and Super Famicom in 1987 with the name of "Metal Gear", the public was not enthusiast at that time; Since the release of a Play Station version in September 1998, the public comes back because the style of drawing has completely changed. It tells the story of a nuclear laboratory in Alaska captured by terrorists. According to Konami, the game should be classified into the category "tactical espionage action".


keywords: game , machine
related topics: Ascii
explanation: In order to make up for the anarchy which reigned personal computer's market, "Ascii" has launched with Microsoft, MSX standard in June 1983. Many great electronic companies which entered lately the market like Philips and Matsushita, adhered to this standard. Unfortunately, because of an ambiguous positioning of the machine (for game or for office?) and its weak capacity (8 bits machine while IBM owned already 16 bits PC), the users have left gradually this norm.


keywords: company , game
related topics: Pacman , Tekken
related web sites: ,
explanation: Producer of arcade machines and video games, founded in June 1955. It has developed un video game, Pacman in 1980 which has become famous all over the world. It also created the famous shooting game "Xevious" in 1983 for arcade machine and for "Family Computer" in November 1984. As a recent hit, we can quote a beate'em up game "Tekken", an arcade version in 1994 and a "Play sation" version in March 1995. Tekken II has been released later.


alternative words: Nintendou
keywords: company , game , nintendo
related topics: Game Boy , Super Famicom , Nintendo 64 , Pokemon
related web sites:
explanation: Producer of game machines and video games, founded in 1889 at Kyoto City. Initially, it had been publishing card games. After a huge success of "Family Computer" (1983), its fame reached foreign countries. Other well known game machines are: "Game Boy" (1989), Super Famicom (1990) and Nintendo 64 (1996). Famous "Super Mario Brothers" has been adapted to all those machines. Recently "Pokemon" developed for "Color Game Boy" made a great hit in Japan and USA.

Nobunaga no Yabo

alternative words: Nobunaga
keywords: game , title
related topics: Koei
related web sites:
explanation: Historic simulation of a Japanese civil war around 16th. You are playing the role of Nobunagaga, the most powerful war lord of that period. Your goal is to unify Japan by fighting against or allying with other war lords. The game was published by Koei in March 1988 for "Family Computer" of Nintendo and made a great hit in Japan. It has been adapted also to several platforms, including Windows and Macintosh.


alternative words: Pac Man
keywords: game , title
related topics: Namco
related web sites:
explanation: One of the oldest video games. It consists to move a creature, called "Pacman" in a labyrinth so that he could swallow the maximum of points while avoiding encountering other monsters. Developed by Namco for its arcade machine (July 1980), a great number of similar games have appeared on the market with every kind of medium ( from arcade games to LSI panels by passing through personal computers) all the more since there had existed no law to protect intellectual properties at that time.


ポケモン ポケットモンスター
alternative words: Pocket Monster
keywords: anime , game , pokemon
related topics: Game Boy , Ash , Pikachu , Nintendo , TV Tokyo
related web sites: , , , ,
explanation: Developed by Gamefreak and commercialized by Nintendo in February 1996, the concept of this RPG for Color Game Boy is a continuation of Tamagocchi : the goal of this game is not only to bring up the monsters but also to beat others by connecting 2 machines. The hero of this game is a boy who makes trip by taming "pokemon" (Pocket Monster). Being adapted to an anime series, it has provoked a crisis epileptic among certain.

Ridge Racer

keywords: game , title
related topics: Namco
related web sites:
explanation: Video game on a car race simulation, published by Namco. First it has been developed for arcade machine (October 1993) before being adapted for Play Station (December 1994). It is known to be the first car race game in 3D.


RPG ロールプレイング
alternative words: Role playing game
keywords: game , general
explanation: Contrary to American and European markets, RPG is more popular than action games in Japan. For that reason the titles like "Dragon Quest" and "Final Fantasy" have met a great success in the early period of video games.


keywords: game , title
related topics: Koei , Nobunaga no Yabo
explanation: Around the 3th century A.D., China was the big battle field of a civil war, at the end of which the three biggest war lords appeared and each of them claimed the title of Chinese Emperor. After the success of "Nobunaga no Yabo", Koei has created a war game which simulates China of that epoch. First for Family Computer (October 1988), then it has been adapted to several plat forms, including Windows and Macintosh.
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