Online dictionary of manga and video games in Japan: dragon ball

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keywords: dragon ball , thing
related topics: Dragon Ball , Lord Karin
explanation: Homeopathic product with a great power of recovery in Dragon Ball. It is produced by Lord Karin.

Son Gohan

alternative words: Songohan
keywords: character , dragon ball
related topics: Dragon Ball , Son Goku
explanation: At the beginning of Japanese manga/anime "Dragon Ball", "Son Goku" had been a small kid. He has grown later and given birth to a son, "Son Gohan". By the way, his name is based on a pun as it appears frequently in Japanese mangas. In fact, in Asian tradition, the children inherit frequently a part of parents name, so goku becomes gohan but the latter means also "a bowl of rice" in Japanese.

Son Goku

alternative words: Songoku
keywords: character , dragon ball
related topics: Dragon Ball , Akira Toriyama
explanation: Hero of Japanese manga/anime of Akira Toriyama, "Dragon Ball". Half monkey, half human, he has been brought up by an old expert of martial arts in a isolated Chinese mountain. When he encounters a beautiful girl, called "Bulma", he decided to leave for a search of 7 dragon eggs. the name of "Son Goku" comes from a famous Chinese novel which tells the story of a monkey who goes to a trip to the west for a search of holly book by protecting his master, a Buddhist priest.

Supersonic cloud

alternative words: Kintoun
keywords: dragon ball , thing
related topics: Dragon Ball , Son Goku
explanation: In Dragon Ball, Son Goku uses this method to move quickly from one point to another. It was offered by Turtle Master for having saved a sea turtle. It appears only at the beginning of the story because he will acquire later a technique to fly himself.


alternative words: Tenshinhan
keywords: character , dragon ball
related topics: Dragon Ball
explanation: Giant with 3 eyes and disciple of Crane Master in Dragon Ball. At the beginning, he was a enemy of Son Goku but let convince by Turtle Master of supporting a good cause.


keywords: character , dragon ball
related topics: Dragon Ball , Vegita
explanation: Child between Vegita and Bulma. He came from the future in order to correct the bad fate of the Earth.

Turtle Master

alternative words: Mutenroshi, Kamesennin, Kame sennin
keywords: character , dragon ball
related topics: Dragon Ball , Crane Master , Kamehameha , Son Goku
explanation: Old man and Karate teacher of Son Goku. At the beginning of Dragon Ball, he appears with a Hawaiian shirt after the rescue of a sea turtle by Son Goku. In spite of his age, he adores women. He is a fellow student of Crane Master.


keywords: character , dragon ball
related topics: Dragon Ball
explanation: Old lady sitting on a big crystal ball in Dragon Ball. She owns a supernatural clairvoyance. By the way, she is a young sister of Turtle Master.


alternative words: Vegiita
keywords: character , dragon ball
related topics: Dragon Ball , Freezer
explanation: One of the worst enemy of Son Goku. He came to the Earth with 2 others (Raditsu and Nappa) in order to annihilate the human beings. Piccolo, Tenshinhan, Yamcha as well as Chaozu have been killed by him. Later, he works together with Son Goku and his friends to kill his old master, Freezer.

World championship

alternative words: Championship
keywords: diverse , dragon ball
related topics: Dragon Ball
explanation: In Dragon Ball, each 5 years (and each 3 years later), a world championship on karate takes place. Son Goku met Tenshinhan in this contest.
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