Online dictionary of manga and video games in Japan: author

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Shotaro Ishinomori

石ノ森章太郎 石森章太郎
alternative words: Ishinomori Shotaro, Shotaro Ishimori, Ishimori Shotaro
keywords: author , manga
related topics: Osamu Tezuka , Fujiko Fujio , Fujio Akatsuka , Cyborg 009
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explanation: Born on January 25, 1938 in Miyagi prefecture. He belongs to the first generation of mangaka after WWII, living together with Fujio Akatsuka and Fujiko Fijio at Tokiwa dormitory in Tokyo and learned manga technique from Osamu Tezuka. He is well known as a precursor of SF manga and his most representative works are Cyborg 009 (1964) and Masked rider (1971). He died on January 30, 1998. He change his pen name from Ishimori to Ishinomori in 1980.

Takao Yaguchi

alternative words: Yaguchi Takao
keywords: author , manga
related topics: Garo , Shonen Magazine
explanation: Born on October 28, 1939 in Akita prefecture. Contrary to others, he has not become a mangaka immediately after the school but a bank clerk. Probably for that reason, his manga contains more human dimension: his favorite theme is human being fighting in nature like fishers and hunters. He debuted on Garo with Nagamochi Baiko but it is Tsurikichi Sanpei published on Shonen Magazine in 1973 which has made him notorious by creating fishing boom in Japan.

Tetsuya Chiba

alternative words: Chiba Tetsuya
keywords: author , manga
related topics: Shonen Magazine , Ashita no Joe
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explanation: Born on January 11, 1939 at Tokyo. After his birth, the whole family had immigrated to Manchuria but returned back to Japan after WWII. Precocious mangaka, he already began to publish at the age of 17. His most representative works are: Chikai no makyu (tale of a baseball pitcher) in 1961-62, Shidenkai no taka (tale of a pilot in WWII) in 1963-65 and Ashita no Joe (Rocky Joe in English title, tale of a boxer) in 1968-73. All the manga were published on Shonen magazine of Kodansha.

Tsukasa Hojo

alternative words: Hojo Tsukasa, Tsukasa Houjou, Houjou Tsukasa
keywords: author , manga
related topics: Shonen Jump , City hunter
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explanation: Born on March 5, 1959 in Kokura (actual Kitakyushu city). This mangaka, a specialist of action manga, debuted with "Ore wa otokoda" (I am a man) on Shonen Jump in 1980. The first hit comes with "Cat's eye" (tale of 3 girl robbers) published on Shonen Jump in 1981, but his best works is "City hunter" (tale of a professional killer) published on Shonen Jump in 1983. He is considered one of the most creative mangaka of 80s.

Yoichi Takahashi

alternative words: Takahashi Yoichi, Youichi Takahashi, Takahashi Youichi
keywords: author , manga
related topics: Captain Tsubasa
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explanation: Born on July 28, 1960 in Tokyo. This precocious mangaka has already begun to publish when he was at high school, but his career began really when his master piece "Captain Tsubasa" was awarded by Shonen Jump in 1980. His preferred subjects remain always sport because among his main works, we find also "Tsubasa no densetsu" (tennis, 1988), Ace (baseball, 1989) and Chibi (boxing, 1992)

Yoshiharu Tsuge

alternative words: Tsuge Yoshiharu
keywords: author , manga
related topics: Garo , Nejishiki
related web sites:
explanation: Born in April 1937 at Tokyo. As many persons of this generation, he had suffered greatly of economic disaster after WWII but his situation was at extreme because he had to sell his own blood to survive. He began to publish manga on rental books since 1955 but it is Nejishiki (screw method) published in 1968 on Garo which brought him a fame. Some people don't hesitate to qualify him as the most genius mangaka because of his style which makes manga appear as a real novel.
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