Online dictionary of manga and video games in Japan: anime

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機動戦士ガンダム ガンダム
alternative words: Kidosenshi Gundam, Kido senshi Gundam, Mobile Suit Gundam, Gandam
keywords: anime , title
related topics: Sun Rise
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explanation: After the space colonization, one of the colonies, "zion", declares its independence from the Earth. Equipped with giant robots, the troop of zion seems going to win the independence war. Finally the Earth began also to use the same weapon. It tells the tale of youngsters who are charged to pilot those robots to defend the Earth. Broadcasted first time by Nagoya TV from April 1979, this anime series has succeeded to enthusiasm teenagers because of its realistic pictures and scenario.

Hayao Miyazaki

alternative words: Miyazaki Hayao
keywords: anime , author , director
related topics: Studio Ghibli , Nausicaa of the valley of wind , My neighbor Totoro , Kiki's Delivery Service , Porco Rosso , Princess Mononoke
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explanation: Born on January 5, 1941 in Tokyo, this talented producer of anime and manga began his career in Toei Doga (now Toei Animation) as an anime assistant in 1963. After having climbed all the rungs of the production, he founded an own company, " Studio Ghibli" in 1985. His main works are: Nausicaa of the valley of wind (1984), My neighbor Totoro (1988), Kiki's Delivery Service (1989), Porco Rosso (1992) and Princess Mononoke (1997).


alternative words: Girl of the Alps Heidi, Alps girl Heidi, Haidi
keywords: anime , title
related topics: World masterpiece theater , Fuji TV
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explanation: Anime realized by the famous Japanese film-maker, Isao Takahata. It tells the tale of a young girl, Heidi, who had lived freely in Alps and was forced to move to the town of Frankfurt. The anime was broadcasted by Fuji TV between January 1974 and December of the same year. Its success has set off the creation of a TV anime series, "World master-piece theater".

High school Kimengumi

alternative words: Sannen Kimengumi
keywords: anime , manga , title
related topics: Motoei Shinzawa , Hentai , Fuji TV , Kimengumi , Shonen Jump
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explanation: Manga created by a Japanese mangaka, Motoei Shinzawa and published in a weekly magazine, Shonen Jump of Shueisha between 1982 and 1987. It talks about a foolish comedy caused by 2 beautiful high school girls and a band of 5 crazy boys. Because of his way to draw characters (they take suddenly the appearence of a baby) and of mad gags, this manga has succeeded to create many fans among the youth. Anime version was aired between October 1985 and September 1987 by Fuji TV.

Hitomi Kanzaki

alternative words: Kanzaki Hitomi
keywords: anime , character
related topics: Escaflowne
explanation: Main character in a Japanese cartoon, "Escaflowne". She is a young high school girl who practices athletics (100 m run) and tarot. One day, by running 100 m before the elder of the same school with whom she feels in love, she is suddenly thrown on another planet Gaia, where takes place a fierce battle and will be implicated inexorably to this conflict.

Hoshin Engi

alternative words: Hoshinengi, Hoshin-engi, Housin engi
keywords: anime , manga , title
related topics: Shonen Jump , TV Tokyo
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Adaptation to the manga of a well known Chinese classic novel. It tells the end of Yin dynasty 3000 years ago, the period when the mythology of gods were confusing with the history of humans. The manga version, written by Ryu Fujisaki with a little flavor of science fiction, has been published by Shonen Jump since June 1996 while the broadcasting of anime series by TV Tokyo began in July 1999.


keywords: anime , company
related web sites:
explanation: Movie producing company founded in February 1935 and employs 740 persons. It produces not only anime films but works on movie related activity like FX. Its anime, adapted from the famous novel of Ernest Hemingway, "Old man and sea" has been just awarded by the 72th American Oscar in the category, "short cartoons".


alternative words: Inu-Yasha, Inu Yasha
keywords: anime , manga , title
related topics: Rumiko Takahashi , Kagome Higurashi , Phantom Inuyasha , Shonen Sunday , Yomiuri TV
related web sites: , , , ,
explanation: Occult comedy written by the famous woman mangaka, Rumiko Takahashi. Daughter of a shintoist temple, Kagome Higurashi, was projected to the feudal Japan of 16th century through a well. She strive then for gathering the fragments of Shikon no Tama (4 sprit ball) with Inuyasha, a hybrid between phantom and human being, to fight against Naraku, another phantom. The manga version began in autumn 1996 on Shonen Sunday while anima version began from October 2000 on Yomiuri TV.

Katsuhiro Otomo

alternative words: Otomo Katsuhiro, Katsuhiro Ootomo, Ootomo Katsuhiro
keywords: anime , author , director , manga
related topics: Akira
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Born on April 14, 1954 in Miyagi prefecture. He began his carrier with "Gurn report", an adaptation of Merimee's short novel. First, his works became popular among manga maniacs thanks to detailed description of scenery. Then, with an influence of French author, Mebius, his works leaned more toward SF manga such as Fireball , Domu, Apple paradise. His fame became definitive thanks to a futurist manga, Akira, published on "Young Magazine" of Kodansha from 1982 to 1990.

Kiki's Delivery Service

alternative words: Majo no takkyubin
keywords: anime , title
related topics: Hayao Miyazaki
explanation: Adaptation from an original roman of Hideko Sumino to the anime movie by Hayano Miyazaki and released on the theater in 1989. It tells the tale of a young witch of 13 years old, who should left her home to go work. Accompanied by his dog, Jiji, she has settled in a town and used her broom for the delivery service of a baker. After the success of this film, his technique of flying has got an unanimous recognition.
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