Online dictionary of history and traditions in Japan: meiji revolution

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Saionji Kinmochi

alternative words: Kinmochi Saionji
keywords: famous person , meiji revolution , statesman
related topics: Meiji revolution , Boshin war , Edo shogunate , Genro
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explanation: Born in 1849 as son of an aristocrat, Tokudaiji Kinito and adopted by Saionji family. Unhappy with the conservatism of Kyoto's nobility, he engaged in Boshin war against Edo shogunate. In 1871, he went to study the law in France and founded Meiji university in his return. Recognized by Ito Hirobumi during his trip in Europe, he became his education minister. In 1903, the president of a political party, Seiyukai. Japanese chief delegate at Versailles conference in 1919. He died in 1940 as the last Genro.

Sakamoto Ryoma

alternative words: Ryoma Sakamoto, Sakamoto Ryouma, Ryouma Sakamoto, Sakamoto Ryuma, Ryuma Sakamoto
keywords: famous person , meiji revolution
related topics: Bakumatsu , Edo shogunate , Meiji revolution , Katsu Kaishu , Tosa domain
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explanation: One of the leaders of Meiji Revolution. Born in 1835 in a samurai family of Tosa domain. He began to learn swordsmanship at Tokyo but quickly changed his preference to "navigation technique" thanks to an influence of a prowestern samurai, Katsu Kaishu. Then he greatly contributed not only to build modern merchant and military fleets in different regions of Japan but to unify divers prowestern movements. Unfortunately he was assassinated in 1867 at Kyoto without seeing the reward.

Satsuma domain

薩摩藩 島津藩
alternative words: Satsuma han, Satsumahan, Seigniory of Satsuma, Satsuma, Shimazu domain, Shimazu han, Shimazuhan, Shimazu
keywords: meiji revolution , state
related topics: Minamoto no Yoritomo , Battle of Sekigahara , Edo shogunate , Meiji revolution , Saigo Takamori , Ryukyu , Choshu domain , Jito
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explanation: Domain located in the southern Kyushu and controlled by Simazu family until the end of Edo shogunate. Shimazu was nominated as "Jito" (tax collector) by Minamoto no Yoritomo. Gradually Shimazu extended their domain to Kagoshima and Miyazaki prefectures. During the battle of Sekigahara, they were in the bad side but survived and even successfully conquered Okinawa kingdom in 1609. The domain became one of the main contributors of Meiji revolution thanks to Saigo Takamori.


新選組 新撰組
alternative words: Shinsen gumi, Shinsen-gumi
keywords: meiji revolution , office
related topics: Bakumatsu , Meiji revolution , Edo shogunate
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explanation: In 1862, in order to assure the security of Kyoto city, Edo shogunate formed a special police force by recruiting among masterless samurai and farmers good in sword technique. Initially called Roshitai, after an internal conflict, Serizawa Kamo then Kondo Isami and Hijikata Toshizo took the control of group and the name changed to Shinsengumi. They provoked terrors among pro imperial samurai with Ikedaya incident in 1864. Shinsengumi disappeared with the defeat of Tokugawa regime in 1868.

Takasugi Shinsaku

alternative words: Shinsaku Takasugi
keywords: famous person , meiji revolution
related topics: Yoshida Shoin , Kido Takayoshi , Choshu domain , Meiji revolution
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explanation: Born in 1839 in a samurai family of Choshu domain. After having studied at Shoka Sonjuku school of Yoshida Shoin, he traveled to Shanghai, where he witnessed the western colonialism in China. He organized Kiheitai, a militia composed with farmers and merchants to fight against westerners during Shimonoseki bombardment (1863-64). In 1865, Shinsaku took control of Choshu domain with Kido Takayoshi and repelled the 2e attack of Edo shogunate in 1866. He died of tuberculosis in 1867.

Tokugawa Yoshinobu

徳川慶喜 徳川慶喜
alternative words: Yoshinobu Tokugawa, Tokugawa Keiki, Hitotsubashi Keiki
keywords: famous person , meiji revolution , shogun
related topics: Edo shogunate , Shogun , Gosanke , Kanagawa treaty , Meiji revolution
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explanation: Last and 15th shogun of Edo shogunate. Born in 1873 as the 7th son of Seignior Mito. He strongly criticized a weak attitude of Edo shogunate when Commodore Perry had forced Japan to open her harbors. He had been then condemned to a house confinement but soon pardoned and nominated to the adviser of 14th shogun Iemochi, whom Yoshinobu succeeded in 1866. At that moment, Edo shogunate had been shaken by many factors, he had to surrender to Emperor's army in 1868.

Tosa domain

alternative words: Tosahan, Tosa-han, Tosa han, Tosa
keywords: meiji revolution , state
related topics: Sengoku period , Battle of Sekigahara , Edo period , Meiji revolution , Sakamoto Ryoma
explanation: Covering the southern coast of Shikoku island, the region had been once unified by Chosogabe family during Sengoku period. After Chosogabe lost the battle of Sekigahara in 1600, Tosa became the feud of Yamanouchi family during Edo period. Tosa domain was one of the great contributors of Meiji revolution in 1868, thanks to Sakamoto Ryoma who created Japanese first western style fleet and Iwasaki Yataro, founder of Mitsubishi corporation.

Yamagata Aritomo

alternative words: Aritomo Yamagata
keywords: famous person , meiji revolution , military man , statesman
related topics: Yoshida Shoin , Choshu domain , Meiji revolution , Ito Hirobumi , Sino-Japanese war , Russo-Japanese war , Genro
related web sites: ,
explanation: Born in 1837 in a samurai family of Choshu. After having studied from Yoshida Shoin, he organized Kiheitai to control Choshu domain then to repel the 2e attack of Edo shogunate. After Meiji restoration in 1868, he was sent to Europe to study the military institution. After a death or fall of great contributors of Meiji revolution, he shared the power with Ito Hirobumi and led the wars against China in 1895 and Russia in 1905. He always hated political parties. He died in 1922.

Yoshida Shoin

吉田松陰 松陰
alternative words: Shoin Yoshida, Shoin
keywords: famous person , meiji revolution , scholar
related topics: Ito Hirobumi , Kido Takayoshi , Takasugi Shinsaku , Yamagata Aritomo , Choshu domain , Meiji revolution
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Born in 1830 in Choshu domain and adopted by Yoshida family. At the age 9, he became an instructor of Choshu's school, Meirinkan. In 1854, he tried to embark secretly on a American ship from Shimoda harbor but failed and this caused his house arrest during 3 years. After being pardoned, he transformed his house to a private school "Shoka Sonjyuku" to teach military arts and comment the current politics. This provoked an anger of Shogunate and he was executed in 1859.
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