Online dictionary of manga and video games in Japan: model

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Play Station

alternative words: Playstation
keywords: machine , model , sony
related topics: Sony , Playstation 2
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explanation: Consumer game machine with 32 bits cpu, released by Sony in December 1994. It had disputed with Saga Saturn the market of new generation but encountered a difficulty because of its weak capacity vs. Saturn in the market dominated by Super Famicom of Nintendo. But taking advantage of the delay of Nintendo 64, it has successfully rallied Japanese game publishers and become as a result the most popular machines in Japan by ousting Nintendo from the first place.

Playstation 2

alternative words: Play Station 2, Playstation II, Play Station II, PS2
keywords: machine , model , sony
related topics: Play Station , Sony
related web sites: ,
explanation: The newest game console created by Sony as the successor of "Play Station". It was released on March 4, 2000 in Japan with an initial price of 39,800 yens. Equipped with a 128 bits cpu of 394 M hertz "Emotion Engine" and a DVD drive, it threatens seriously its rivals, Nintendo and Sega. In order to protect a huge intellectual investment around "Play Station" with 60 million units sold around the world, the forward compatibility is guaranteed.

Sega Saturn

keywords: machine , model , sega
related topics: Sega , Mega Drive , Dreamcast
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explanation: 32 bits console released by Sega in November 1994, in joint venture with Hitachi, JVC et Yamaha. Its system, being based on several cpu, has made this machine very efficient as regards graphics and sounds. Though it has lost the battle for controlling the market against Play Station, it still remains very popular among fans of video games because of its exceptional performance. The name of Saturn comes from the fact that it is the 6th planet and also the 6th machine made by Sega.

Super Famicom

keywords: machine , model , nintendo
related topics: Nintendo , Nintendo 64
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explanation: 16 bits game console released by Nintendo as the successor of 8 bits "Family Computer". Initially, its release date had been fixed much earlier but because of a higher performance of its rivals, PC-Engine and Mega Drive, it has been retarded considerably in order to catch up with them. In spite of this burden, it has become the most sold machine in Japan thanks to its very rich catalog of software.


alternative words: Tamagochi, Tamagocchi
keywords: game , machine , model
related topics: Bandai
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explanation: Released by Bandai in 1996, this small electronic game made a great hit among Japanese school girls in such a manner that the factory of Bandai was unable to honor the orders: the customers were awaiting a delivery before the shops. The goal of this game is to grow up "electronically" an animal by taking everyday care of them on pain of seeing it die. The dimension of machine is that of a watch but oviform because it looks like an egg: "Tamago" means "egg" in Japanese.

Virtual Boy

keywords: machine , model , nintendo
related topics: Nintendo
explanation: Video game machine released by Nintendo in July 1995. It is virtual glasses allowing to see pictures in relief thanks to small screens in liquid crystal set just before each eye. In spite of its appearance, it is a powerful system because it owns a 32 bits cpu and a graphic chip. The sales of machine was disappointing because of its complex programming.

Wonder Swan

alternative words: Wonderswan
keywords: bandai , machine , model
related topics: Bandai
related web sites: ,
explanation: Portable console machine released by Bandai in 1999. Its particularity is usable horizontally as well as vertically in order to maximize the useful screen surface whatever types of games. In order to avoid the error of "Game Gear", its dimension and the electricity consumption are kept at the minimum level. The screen is monochrome and the cpu is 16 bits.
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