Online dictionary of manga and video games in Japan: dragon ball

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alternative words: Kame hame ha, Kamehame-ha
keywords: diverse , dragon ball
related topics: Dragon Ball , Son Goku
explanation: Fighting technique used by Son Goku in Dragon Ball. It consists to send a fire ball to his enemies. It is his teacher of karate, Turtle Master, who gave this technique. The name comes from a pun because "Kame" means turtle in Japanese but Kamehameha was the last king of Hawaiian Islands. Remember Turtle Master wears always a Hawaiian t-shirt.


alternative words: Krilin, Kulilin
keywords: character , dragon ball
related topics: Dragon Ball
explanation: One of the oldest friends of Son Goku in Dragon Ball. Bald and small, prayers of Shorinji kenpo (one of Chinese karate schools) are written down on his head. He can emit dazzling light from his head to blind his enemies.

Lord Kaio

alternative words: Kaio, Kaioshin
keywords: character , dragon ball
related topics: Dragon Ball , Son Goku
explanation: He is living in paradise with a monkey, in "Dragon Ball". Son Goku visits him each time when he encounters a problem to beat enemies. Kaio means "King of Universe" in Japanese.

Lord Karin

alternative words: Karin
keywords: character , dragon ball
related topics: Dragon Ball
explanation: White cat who is living at the summit of Karin Tower in Dragon Ball. He gives a karate lesson to Son Goku and has already given one to Turtle Master. He is also able to produce senzu, the drog which heals instantaneously z-fighters.


alternative words: Makankousappou, Makanko Sappo
keywords: diverse , dragon ball
related topics: Dragon Ball
explanation: Combat technique used by Piccolo in Dragon Ball. It consists to send a destructive lightning to his enemies in the same manner as Kamehameha of Son Goku.


alternative words: Piccolo Daimao, Piccolo
keywords: character , dragon ball
related topics: Dragon Ball
explanation: One of redoubtable enemies of Son Goku in Dragon Ball with an awful face. It is virtually invincible and enable to create own soldiers by laying eggs. Later he will associate with Son Goku to fight against extraterrestrial invaders.


keywords: character , dragon ball
related topics: Dragon Ball
explanation: Boss of a small group of gangsters who fight against Son Goku with robots at the early episode of "Dragon Ball". He looks for dragon balls to become taller.

Planet Namek

alternative words: Namek
keywords: diverse , dragon ball
related topics: Dragon Ball
explanation: Planet where Piccolo came from in the episode of Dragon Ball. It has been a fierce battle field between Vegita and Freezer and explode at the end.


keywords: character , dragon ball
related topics: Dragon Ball , Son Goku
explanation: Brother of Son Goku in Dragon Ball. He has been killed by Piccolo but brought back to life.


keywords: diverse , dragon ball
related topics: Dragon Ball
explanation: Inhabitants of planet Vegita in Dragon Ball like Son Goku and Vegita.
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