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太鼓pronunciation: taikokanji characters: 太 , 鼓 keyword: musical instrument translation: drum 太鼓を叩く: taikootataku: beat a drum, flatter, chime in with (a person) <<< 叩 太鼓の音: taikonooto: sound of a drum, drumbeat <<< 音 太鼓腹: taikobara: potbelly <<< 腹 太鼓橋: taikobashi: arch bridge <<< 橋 大太鼓: oodaiko: bass drum <<< 大 小太鼓: kodaiko: snare drum <<< 小 check also: ドラム , Wadaiko 対抗pronunciation: taikoukanji characters: 対 , 抗 keyword: sport , politics translation: opposition, competition, rivalry 対抗する: taikousuru: oppose, compete, match, be against 対抗させる: taikousaseru: pit (set up) so. against 対抗馬: taikouba: opponent, rival <<< 馬 対抗策: taikousaku: counter plan <<< 策 対抗試合: taikoushiai: round robin competition <<< 試合 対抗手段: taikoushudan: counteragent <<< 手段 対抗処置: taikoushochi: counter-measure <<< 処置 check also: 対立 大綱pronunciation: taikoukanji characters: 大 , 綱 keyword: politics translation: fundamental, principles, outline 大綱を述べる: taikouonoberu: give an outline (of) <<< 述 check also: 概要 , 骨子 , 要綱 大公pronunciation: taikoukanji characters: 大 , 公 keyword: history translation: grand duke 大公国: taikoukoku: grand duchy <<< 国 大公妃: taikouhi: grand duchess <<< 妃
退屈pronunciation: taikutsukanji characters: 退 , 屈 translation: boredom, dullness, tedium, monotony, ennui 退屈な: taikuna: boring, dull, tedious, monotonous 退屈する: taikutsusuru: be bored, find dull 退屈させる: taikutsusaseru: bore 退屈そう: taikutsusou: seem bored 退屈を紛らす: taikutsuomagirasu: kill time, beguile [relieve] tedium [boredom] <<< 紛 退屈を凌ぐ: taikutsuoshinogu <<< 凌 退屈凌ぎに: taikutsushinogini: just to kill time, to relieve the boredom synonyms: 倦怠 退却pronunciation: taikyakukanji characters: 退 , 却 keyword: war translation: retreat (n.), withdrawal 退却する: taikyakusuru: retreat (v.), beat [make] a retreat, withdraw 退却軍: taikyagun: retreating army <<< 軍 総退却: soutaikyaku: general [full] retreat <<< 総 退去pronunciation: taikyokanji characters: 退 , 去 keyword: disaster translation: withdrawal, evacuation 退去する: taikyosuru: leave, evacuate, depart 退去させる: taikyosaseru: expel (a person) from 退去を命じる: taikyoomeijiru: order (a person) out of (a place) <<< 命 退去命令: taikyomeirei: order for withdrawal [evacuation] <<< 命令 check also: 撤退 太極pronunciation: taikyokukanji characters: 太 , 極 keyword: china translation: taiji (a Chinese philosophy), great ridgepole 太極拳: taikyokuken: tai chi chuan <<< 拳 太極旗: taikyokuken: (south) Korean flag <<< 旗 大邱pronunciation: taikyuukanji characters: 大 other spells: テグ keyword: asia translation: Daegu [Taegu] (city) 大邱市: taikyuushi: City of Daegu [Taegu] <<< 市 大邱世界陸上: taikyuusekairikujou: Daegu [Taegu] World Championships in Athletics (2011) <<< 陸上 大麻pronunciation: taimakanji characters: 大 , 麻 keyword: crime , drug translation: marijuana, hemp, cannabis 大麻子: taimashi: hemp seed <<< 子 大麻油: taimayu: hemp oil <<< 油 synonyms: マリファナ | |
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