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証言pronunciation: shougenkanji characters: 証 , 言 keyword: justice translation: testimony, verbal evidence 証言する: shougensuru: testify, give evidence, bear witness 証言者: shougensha: witness <<< 者 , 証人 証言書: shougensho: written testimony <<< 書 証言台: shougendai: witness stand <<< 台 証言台に立つ: shougendainitatsu: take the witness stand <<< 立 将棋pronunciation: shougikanji characters: 将 , 棋 keyword: game translation: Japanese chess, shogi 将棋を指す: shougiosasu: play chess <<< 指 将棋指し: shougisashi: (professional) chess player 将棋倒し: shougidaoshi: domino fall, domino effect <<< 倒 将棋倒しに成る: shougidaoshininaru: fall like a lot of ninepins, fall together like dominos <<< 成 将棋の駒: shouginokoma: chessman, piece of chess <<< 駒 将棋盤: shougiban: chessboard <<< 盤 将棋仲間: shouginakama: chess friend [pal] <<< 仲間 check also: チェス 正午pronunciation: shougokanji characters: 正 , 午 keyword: time translation: noon 正午に: shougoni: at noon 正午頃に: shougogoroni: about noon <<< 頃 正午前に: shougomaeni: shortly before noon <<< 前 正午過ぎに: shougosugini: shortly after noon <<< 過 synonyms: 真昼 将軍pronunciation: shougunkanji characters: 将 , 軍 keyword: military rank , japanese history translation: (army) general, commander in chief, shogun 将軍職: shougunshoku: shogunate <<< 職 大将軍: daishougun: generalissimo <<< 大 闇将軍: yamishougun: behind-the-scenes power <<< 闇 凱旋将軍: gaisenshougun: victorious [triumphant] general <<< 凱旋 check also: 大将 , Shogun
商業pronunciation: shougyoukanji characters: 商 , 業 keyword: business translation: commerce, trade, business 商業の: shougyouno: commercial, mercantile, business 商業上: shougyoujou <<< 上 商業を営む: shougyouoitonamu: carry on trade <<< 営 商業化: shougyouka: commercialization <<< 化 商業化する: shougyoukasuru: commercialize 商業文: shougyoubun: business correspondence <<< 文 商業地: shougyouchi: commercial [business, shopping] district [center] <<< 地 商業区: shougyouku: commercial [business, shopping] district <<< 区 商業界: shougyoukai: business circles, commercial world <<< 界 商業国: shougyoukoku: mercantile nation <<< 国 商業都市: shougyoutoshi: commercial city <<< 都市 商業資本: shougyoushihon: trading capital <<< 資本 商業団体: shougyoudantai: trade association <<< 団体 商業主義: shougyoushugi: commercialism <<< 主義 商業学校: shougyougakkou: commercial school [college] <<< 学校 synonyms: 商売 , ビジネス , 事業 招聘pronunciation: shouheikanji characters: 招 keyword: job translation: invitation 招聘する: shouheisuru: invite, extend a call (to), engage 招聘に応じる: shouheinioujiru: accept a call [the offer of a position] <<< 応 招聘を断る: shouheiokotowaru: refuse a call [the offer of a position] <<< 断 消費pronunciation: shouhikanji characters: 消 , 費 keyword: economy translation: consumption 消費する: shouhisuru: consume 消費額: shouhigaku: amount of consumption <<< 額 消費税: shouhizei: sales tax, vat <<< 税 消費財: shouhizai: consumers' goods <<< 財 消費者: shouhisha: consumer, buyer <<< 者 消費者価格: shouhishakakaku: consumers' price <<< 価格 消費者金融: shouhishakinnyuu: consumer credit <<< 金融 消費組合: shouhikumiai: co-operative society <<< 組合 消費社会: shouhishakai: consumer society <<< 社会 消費経済: shouhikeizai: consumption economy <<< 経済 国内消費: kokunaishouhi: home consumption <<< 国内 自家消費: jikashouhi: home consumption <<< 自家 synonyms: 消耗 商品pronunciation: shouhinkanji characters: 商 , 品 keyword: business translation: merchandize, goods, commodity 商品券: shouhinken: gift coupon, exchange ticket <<< 券 , クーポン 商品名: shouhinmei: trade name <<< 名 商品見本: shouhinmihon: trade sample <<< 見本 商品目録: shouhinmokuroku: general catalogue 商品在高: shouhinzaidaka: amount of stock 商品在高帖: shouhinzaidakachou: stock book 商品陳列室: shouhinchinretsushitsu: show room 商品陳列窓: shouhinchinretsumado: show windows 商品仕入: shouhinshiire: goods input, stock receipt <<< 仕入 商品仕入帳: shouhinshiirechou: purchase book <<< 帳 商品取引所: shouhintorihikijo: commodity exchange 目玉商品: medamashouhin: feature, loss leader <<< 目玉 在庫商品: zaikoshouhin: stocks, goods in stock <<< 在庫 金融商品: kinnyuushouhin: financial products <<< 金融 重要商品: juuyoushouhin: important goods <<< 重要 キャラクター商品: kyarakutaashouhin: character goods <<< キャラクター アイデア商品: aideashouhin: clever [ingenious, shrewd] product <<< アイデア ヒット商品: hittoshouhin: hit product <<< ヒット ブランド商品: burandoshouhin: brand-name goods <<< ブランド check also: 製品 , 品物 娼婦pronunciation: shouhukanji characters: 婦 keyword: sex translation: whore, prostitute check also: 売春 , 売女 商標pronunciation: shouhyoukanji characters: 商 , 標 keyword: advertisement translation: trademark, brand, mark 商標名: shouhyoumei: trade name, proprietary name <<< 名 商標法: shouhyouhou: trademark law <<< 法 商標登録: shouhyoutouroku: registration of trademark <<< 登録 登録商標: tourokushouhyou: registered trade-mark <<< 登録 check also: マーク | |
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